
Beautiful little cuties, after a great morning at church.

Had to stop mid-way through the photo-shoot to share a lick of big sister’s lollipop.

And then I told Addie to show off the butterflies on her new dress, and this is the pose she did 🙂

Lunch afterwards at one of our favorites, El Rincon Latino. It’s always super good, but today it seemed extra delicious. I also asked for extra onions, and they really delivered. Make sure you see the photo below of Addie Pie reaching over to steal the beans off my plate. Girlfriend loves herself some beans!

I’m sure you can guess what we all did after church… nap time! Addie slept in her bed, Jeff and Pretzel slept on the couch, and Emerson slept with me in my bed.

And then since Jeff was still asleep on the couch after Emmie and I woke up, we did some Bible journaling time together in my bed. I was on praise team again this morning at church, and we sang a new song, “Jehovah” by Brandon Lake, and it was so good. And it inspired me to write it down in my Bible this afternoon.

She has been wanting to practice her name in cursive lately, so I wrote the one at the top, and then she did the rest in rainbow order herself.

Emmie changed back into yesterday’s outfit, to head back to church for Connect Group tonight. And Addie had an Oreo cookie for her after-nap-snack, and was still sporting the mess all around her mouth 🙂

Then we went back to church for dinner and Connect Groups. At our table, we inherited a triplet, and another of our sweet little friends. (She in fact ate the most of anyone at the table, maybe even myself included, with three helpings of rice, and three rolls, plus the pork and green beans too.) Then we had a great small group, about how to discuss death, grief, pain and loss with our kids. It was a heavy topic, but it was a good class.

At home, we got the girls into their jammies, and then did a quick little phone call with their big brothers before bedtime.

After that, both were sweet and sleepy, but both needed extra time and extra cuddles and extra loves before they would go to bed. Emerson actually got to stay up late eating popcorn and watching Barbie, while I started this post, and Daddy was trying to get Addie to sleep.

So Emmie was up until at least 9:30, or maybe a little later, but she doesn’t have school tomorrow, so we weren’t too worried about it. I actually took the day off tomorrow to hang out with her, so that’ll be a good day with just me and my big girl.

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