Friday Night at Trader Joe’s

Addison was being so goofy for our sister pics this morning, and Emerson had to get in on the goofiness too.

The sweetest, happiest little girls!

Addie Pie went running to aunt Meggie when we saw her coming out of the front doors at school. Then she just laid there holding on and smiling sweetly, hugging tight for a solid minute or two. It was extremely precious.

And so then we of course had to go stop by the VPK room to give the trippies some hugs and loves too, before Addie went to her class.

Addison had a good day at school, and even went pee-pee in the potty! (She unfortunately had a little accident during that activity and had to get an outfit change. However, we apparently didn’t have any of her own clothes for backup, so she ended up spending the rest of the day in a little boys’ blue shirt and just her bloomers, but still looking cute as ever.)

After I picked up both girls, we all took a little trip into Trader Joe’s together. I went specifically for some ingredients to make a 7-layer salad for a family lunch tomorrow, and although I still didn’t get 3 of those ingredients, I did somehow manage to spend $100, letting Trader Joe’s tell me what we needed 😉

When we got home, we all just kind of had some random things for dinner, including pizza and leftover chicken nuggets and yogurt and chips, and just took it easy. We let the girls stay up a little bit late, but both are in their beds now and sleeping soundly. I’ve been making more slow progress on my book, so I’ll read a little bit more, and watch an episode of Ted Lasso.

I’ve already laid out the TJ’s croissants to proof overnight, so they’ll be ready to bake for breakfast in the morning!

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