Dragons & Castles & Princesses

Emerson had kind of a rough morning at drop-off today. The assistant teacher of her room was at work early today, so instead of going in her old class with Ms. Sheila and then transferring next door at 8am like usual, we went straight to her class today. And since her schedule was thrown off, she was just not feeling it. She’s very into her routine, and when things get thrown off, it doesn’t always go well. So she was really clingy to me, and not super happy when I left.



When I walked out of the room though, Ms. Viola was taking her to pick out a book, and then we got these pictures shortly afterwards. You can see her eyes are a little red, but she was feeling better and finally sat down to eat her muffin.




School and work were normal for everyone. Actually, I was really productive at work, and I felt good amount the amount of cases I was able to process and add to my daily stats. So that’s always a good feeling.

After getting my girl from school, we came home and had turkey taco’s for dinner. We  used these mini flour street tacos, which are delicious. And it was just sooo good.


And this tiny peanut girl ate two tacos all on her own, plus a side of “lellow” rice, which is her favorite.





Tonight was a bath night, and she specifically requested Daddy for the whole event, including getting wrapped up like a baby burrito at the end.


She loves to help Daddy call Pretzel inside. She copies him when he whistles, but for her, she just says, “fert fert!!” It’s the funniest, best, cutest thing, and I love it so much. I try to get her to do it all the time, just to hear it! I also try to get her to do it for our family & friends to, and everyone always love it.



We found a new pair of jammies in her closet tonight, and she and I were both very excited about them. I love the castles & dragons on them, and she loves new jammies!




Tonight’s video call was with her brothers for a few minutes, and she told them all about eating two tacos, and was showing them that she was having bread for a snack before bedtime.


She took a while to calm down again tonight, and she needed both Mommy & Daddy to take turns with lullabies and rocking and cuddles, but she did eventually settle down and let me lay her in her bed, followed up with a few rounds of “Jesus Loves Me.”

Now I need to go finish the dishes (I put away the leftovers earlier and washed a few things, but didn’t finish), before I can finally put my feet up and relax.

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