Caught in the Rain

At drop-off, she was very intent on stomping on something, over & over again. I never actually saw anything myself, but she was eventually satisfied with the job, and could turn to take a few photos ๐Ÿ™‚



On the way to school this morning, Emerson asked me what clothes I was wearing. So I told her jeans and a green shirt. She responded very sweetly, “You should get cute clothes like mine, Mommy.” I kind of laughed and said, “Oh are my clothes not cute?” And she said, “no, they’re just regalur.” So I said, “Well yeah, you’re right, they’re pretty regular.” And she was like, “Daddy had just regalur clothes too. He needs cute ones too.” So apparently, our wardrobes aren’t cute enough for our cute daughter! And I 100% agree with that ๐Ÿ˜‰ Then later she said, “Mommy, when we get home later, can we snuggle on the couch?” And my heart exploded because I couldn’t handle how sweet and adorable and loving this little girl is.


Here are a couple of others things she’s said lately that I made note of, and then forgot to share: “I’m like growing a little bit. My legs are so big all the way down to my ankle.” And one time she crawled across the couch up my chest, licked my cheek and said, “Pretzel dooz licks!”



To be honest, I did NOT want to walk today. I was actually hoping it would be raining, and we could skip the walk, withย lessย guilt, and use the rain as an excuse. But of course when it was time to start walking, it wasn’t raining! So we set out, and as usual, it was hot & extremely muggy, and we were proud of ourselves for pushing to do it it. (Even if we didn’t “enjoy” it.) We made it about halfway, and then it did actually start raining lightly on us. Even though we got caught in the rain, we didn’t melt ๐Ÿ˜‰ I also decided today to look for something pretty each day on our walk, so look at this beautiful, fluffy purple-y/pink-y blooms on this tree!



Google Fit says I’m “getting into my stride,” now that we’ve consistently done 2+ miles for the last three walks!


Looks like Emmie-cille had a good day at school, and did some finger painting for her arts & craft time!



I took my afternoon break in my favorite comfy chair, with my warm-glow lamp (I like the yellow-y lights, not the bright white ones, if you’d like to know), and a new Kindle book from the library. (FYI – if you’re interested in learning how to download Kindle books from the library onto your Kindle, or literally any device with the free Kindle app, click here for my favorite book blogger Janssen’s how-to post.) I’ve been on hold for this one for a while, so I’m excited to read it, and then watch the show on Hulu!


Again, the daily scripture for June’s scripture writing challenge just seems so fitting for all of the chaos in the world lately. Don’t you think if we focused on these three directives a little more, the world would be a better place? Imagine if we all acted justly and extended mercy to others…

“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”


On the way home from picking up Emerson at school, she asked, “Mommy, can I go out in da rain at home?” So we let her just go out and run around in the light sprinkle-rain for a little while before heading inside. She was just the happiest little girl running around out there!


Google even made this funny panoramic photo, withย three tiny Emerson’s! ๐Ÿ™‚




She was being such a goof, and wanted to show her brothers on the video call.



She was a sweet girl for bath time and she had fun playing with her toys and using her bath crayons. And then we settled in with fruit snacks and Toy Story, to do some of that cuddling she requested this morning, and I loved it so much.




While I did bath and cuddles and bedtime books, Jeff ran a quick trip back to Walmart again, to buy a third kind of Kilz primer (among other random purchases he picked up) so we can hopefully knock out that yellow-y color happening on the dark brown trim we’re trying to get white…


So we’ve taken a little break between Emmie’s bedtime and painting time while Jeff watched YouTube videos and I blogged and watched Netflix, but now we’re getting back up to try out that new primer! Wish us luck!




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