Badges & Certificates

Emerson was all packed up and loaded down with her things, to go spend the next few days with Grandmommie, at Grammy & Papa’s house! And Addison was eating an Oreo before school 😉

And Grandmommie met us at daycare to pickup Emmie, and they were both very excited for their upcoming time together!

Grandmommie sent us a few pictures of Emerson throughout the day out at their house…

And we got a few pictures of Addison at the school today too…

Grammy and Grandmommie brought Emerson to church for Awards Night tonight, so it was just little Addie Pie with Mommy and Daddy for dinner. That second picture below, she was eating and dancing with her eyes closed, just vibing with the food and the music.

For Awards Night at GC, the cutie little Rainbow preschool class for the trippies sang their cute song and said their little Bible verse first.

And then the tiny sweet kindergarten girls did their stuff, and I was so proud of my baby girl! They all earned cute little badges for learning Bible verses and such, and got certificates and prizes to go with it.


After church Emmie went back home with Grammy and Grandmommie, and we went on home with Addie. It was pretty late by the time we got her started on bedtime stuff, but she was very tired and fell asleep with Daddy easily, and I actually just took a break from writing to carry her to the crib and get some snuggles and kisses down the hallway.

I’m finishing up a little four-episode docu-series on Netflix right now, about an Irish girl who was kinda tricked into being a drug mule from Ibiza, then convicted and sentenced to prison in Peru, and it’s been interesting.

And if you’re interested, here are the books I read/finished in May. My favorite of them was “Everywhere We’ve Never Been,” which was a super cute rom-com situation, that was sweet and cozy and precious, and I loved it so much.

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