Bad Words

It was like 63 degrees this morning at 7am, and it felt amazing! But these sillies said the stairs were too cold to stand on, so they stood on the bicycle mat instead 😉 But they look so cute!

Around 9am this morning, I got an email from Emerson’s teacher, saying she had forgotten her gymnastics clothes at home today, and she was very upset. I assured her that we would take care of it, and to please let Emmie know that. So Jeff ran home at lunch to grab her bag, and then took it to school. And since he was going to be there at her lunch time too, he grabbed food for them from KFC, and they got to have a little spontaneous daddy-daughter lunch picnic date outside at school.

I was minding my own business eating breakfast for lunch at work, and reading my book for the book club meeting this coming Friday, and I got a video call from them, so it was like I was there at lunch with them!

Love both of these cuties, on their sweet little lunch date.

Look how great Addie was doing, sorting out all the different color toys at school today!

Nana picked up Emerson and took her to gymnastics today, and she said she did such a great job. She got a few quick little videos, so you can see for yourself!

I picked up Addie from school, and Jeff picked up Emmie from Nana. I made us sloppy joes and tater tots for dinner, and we were having a nice dinner…. And then somehow, Emerson mentioned something about getting in trouble for saying a bad word at school, but that she didn’t even know the word or that it was bad. She was also nervous about telling us what she said, because she didn’t want to get in trouble at home. We promised that wasn’t going to happen, but that we needed to know what was going on. Basically, some kids peer pressured her into saying it, and then went and tattled on her to the teacher… So then that led to a very interesting and somewhat difficult conversation about “bad words,” and why we don’t say them, and also what peer pressure is.

I told her my Mama always told me not to say words if you don’t know what they mean, and that would be a good rule for her too. And then she wanted to know some of the words she wasn’t supposed to say. So we did actually tell her a few, and what they meant, and she understood. I don’t know if that was the “right” way to handle everything or not, but oh well, that’s what we did, and it actually went pretty well, all things considered. Anyone else had to go through this recently? How did it go for you?! I’d love to hear about it…

After our lengthy conversation at the dinner table (with Addie literally running all over the house, randomly flushing the toilet, and finding those green glasses, and doing who knows what else), the girls wanted to sit up there and color a little bit together.

Then they both decided the were still hungry, so Emmie heated up her dinner, and Addie ate some fruit snack gummies. Then once Emmie had eaten as much of her plate as she wanted, Addie took over and ate some of it too.

Emerson read me a book in her bed that she got from the school library today, and then we did prayers and lullabies.

Right after I gave her one more kiss goodnight, I said something like, “Just want to remind you one more time that you’re always safe to talk to Mommy and Daddy at home, about anything and everything you need to.” And she was like, “Yeah I knew you gonna say that again before I went to sleep……. It’s obvious.” And that made me laugh so hard. So after that eventful evening, I’m in need of some serious down time before bedtime…

So now, I’m actually going to use my down time to solve the remaining 39 of the 89 total Taylor Swift puzzles on Google today, trying to open the 1989 Taylor’s Version vault song titles.

11pm update – I did it! Now we just have to wait for 33 million puzzles to be solved (which averages out to 307,000 people solving all 89 each), before the vault tracks are revealed.

And now Addie is actually awake again… so now we have to go through all that again. This is the 3rd night in a row she woke up crying right after 11pm, which keeps us awake longer at night, and makes for not enough sleep for everyone. Praying she goes back to sleep quickly tonight!

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