Aloe Plant & Book Club

Cute little matching girlies, checking out their matching shirts before heading out for the day.

Emerson told me to take a picture when she turned around, because she wanted a picture of her ponytail. So here you go.

Another beautiful sunrise this morning.

My work bestie Heather made me a  little baby aloe plant (with an IKEA pot I brought for her to use) from her big giant mama aloe plant that’s taking over the table on her back patio. She left it on my desk to find when I got to work this morning, and it’s just so cute. I loved adding it to my little tabletop garden in my office.

And these new cute plant earrings I wore today we just so fitting.

A mystery person brought in these little caramel bars to work today, and although I asked around to many people, I never found out who brought it. But it was yummy, and went well with my mid-morning coffee.

Addie made a cute little colorful hand print picture at school today.

Then Jeff and Nana picked up the girls from their schools and met PopPop for dinner at Peppers.

Meanwhile, I was at my book club, eating pizza and bread sticks and cookies, discussing this book, plus tv shows and true crime and Ted Bundy and tent camping at Florida State Parks. It was a great night!

But back at home, once Jeff and the girls went home from dinner, Emerson lost a tooth! It had been really wiggly for a long time, but it was bothering her. And tonight she actually let Jeff pull it for her! But then apparently she asked Jeff if the tooth fairy was real, or was it just us who goes in and swaps the tooth for money… He just told her we’d talk about it later. So I guess we gotta deal with that conversation sometime soon too!

But he got the girls in their jammies and calmed down for bedtime, and when I got home, they were all three laying in our bed together, with the girls asleep already. I left them there while I’ve been writing this, and I’m sure Jeff has fallen asleep by now too. So I’m gonna go scoop up the girls and get them into their beds.

Addie had a really rough night last night, which means Jeff and I also had a terrible nights’ sleep. I’m really hoping and praying that she stays asleep through the night tonight, because this mama needs some good sleep!

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