Wahoo Football!

(Post for Monday, 11/1/21.)

Last night, I fell asleep on the couch, sitting up while holding Addison, around 8:45pm. Jeff took Addie from me around 9:15 to lay her down in her bed, and I just laid down right there and kept sleeping. He covered me up with my blanket and let me sleep about an hour, and then I went to bed around 10:15pm. I was just too exhausted from our busy weekend! So here’s yesterday’s post, written during my lunch break on Tuesday…

We had an easy drop-off, and both girls looked super cute. I especially loved Emerson’s new shirt.

One of my friends at work gave me this bag of Lucky Goat coffee, because she’s not a fan of dark roast. We don’t typically buy dark roast in our house either, but hey, I wasn’t gonna turn down free LG coffee! (I made a pot with this this morning, and just used slightly less scoops than usual, and it was great!)

And then I was back to my regular lunch (homemade tuna and a side salad), but with a slight variation, using a veggie spinach wrap instead of bread, and this was delish. Plus, a few pieces of Halloween candy!


Pictures from the school…

I made sloppy joes for dinner, and used this bag of oven roasters veggies for the first time. I also did a thing of steam-in-bag green beans to go with it. And although neither Jeff nor Emmie likedĀ either one of the sides, I loved both and thought both were delicious. The sloppy joes on the other hand, were super good and a hit for everyone.

Jeff will “chomp chomp” on the girls to tickle them, and they both love it and giggle so much. Now, Emmie loves to watch Daddy “chomp” on baby sister and hear her giggle, almost as much as she likes to be tickled herself.

Since we cleaned Emmie’s room over the past weekend, we actually have room to play in there now, so we did that a little bit last night. She made me all sorts of stuff in her food truck (like cheese pizza and a mango smoothie), and then found these pom-poms and started doing some cheers…

Totally unprompted, she was yelling, “Wahoo football!” And then when I asked her, she changed it to “Wahoo Seminoles!” So funny!



Emmie was good at bedtime and we got her down pretty easily, and Addie fell asleep with Jeff while I was back there with Emmie. He handed the baby off to me while he went and loved on Emmie, and after watching half of an episode of Magnolia Table, I fell asleep while still holding her.

I had told Jeff there were just some nights where I wished I was done with all my chores and stuff right as Emmie went to bed, so I could relax the whole rest of the night too, and he was like, “Ok, just do it then.” And apparently I really went for it, because not too long after that, I was asleep on the couch!

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