Two Miles

Luckily, my sweet little Emerson woke up in a better mood this morning, and was back to her usual happy self before school!




Jeff and I set out on our third lunch time walk today, and even remembered Pretzel’s little collapsible water dish, so he could get some refreshing water on our walk as well!


I found tons of these fun little orange cone flowers on our walk today, and really loved them! They were all over the ground at one point, but I couldn’t even find what tree they had come from!


And we made it 2 miles today! Well, technically 2.1! Monday was 1.5, Tuesday was 1.8, and our goal today was 2, and we did it. We were proud of ourselves, but super hot & sweaty 🙂



I made a little watermelon salad for lunch today (watermelon, mint, basil, feta, balsamic vinegar), with last night’s leftover chicken burger, and it was all so fresh & yummy, and felt so healthy!


Jeff left the house a little early today to go pick up Emerson from school, so as soon as 5pm hit, I went out on the front porch to shuck some more corn. We’re just loving the fresh corn this summer! Well, Jeff has always been obsessed with corn, and he could eat two or three cobs every time it’s available.


Grammy and Grandmommie wanted proof of Emmie making it home safe (with all the rumors of craziness around town today), so I sent them this picture of her on the couch, eating “wavies.”


So last night we had homemade Weight Watchers chicken burgers, tomorrow night I’m making homemade bolognese sauce for pasta with fresh green beans. But tonight, we had hot dogs & baked beans – at least they were the “fancier” hot dogs!



But at least we had our farm-fresh corn on the cob to go with the hot dogs! (Jeff makes fun of me because I like so many condiments on my hot dogs, vs his mustard-only dogs. But it stems back to my days as a child when I didn’t like the actual hot do itself, but would instead eat a bun with just the fixin’s.)



She didn’t come anywhere close to eating this whole thing (she had about eight bites, and then Jeff finished the rest, of course), but I always love watching her gnaw on a big corn on the cob, like she’s a big girl herself!


We went through the usual whiny phase tonight during and after dinner, but some cuddles on the couch with Mommy seemed to be good for her little sensitive spirit. She was hungry though at bedtime (she always needs a snack), so she had some of her favorite popcorn for her bedtime snack.


I had SO MANY posts & photos come up in my Facebook memories today. So here are some of them…

2018 – when nugget was only 11 months old, and wearing matching jammies with her stuffed elephant from Aunt Meggie & Uncle Bo.


2017 – we refinished this old dresser we got for free on Facebook, to be Emerson’s changing table.



2016 – this shows how small my little pepperomia plant (the one in the yellow pot) was when we first moved in 3.5 years ago. (Click here to see it when we split it into three new pots a few weeks back!)


2010 – a full 10 years ago! For my college graduation gift, my Mama, Megan, and Aunt Suzanne and I all went to New York City for a week, and had the absolute best time!




So many fun memories!

I’ve been watching more of “Clueless” that I started last night, and it just reminds me so much of watching it over and over in middle school and high school. Dishes are washed and kitchen is clean and I’m tired, so I’ll watch a little bit of tv and then head to bed soon!


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