Three Cups of Tea

Today’s reading week day was supposed to be “red & blue,” but we ended up with blue only, plus a pink hair bow and a new pair of pink jelly shoes. So, not quite on the mark, but still super cute of course!





I finished this audio book on the way to work this morning, and even though it was interesting and I did like it, I wasn’t actually blown away by it. So, I rated it three out of five stars.


Aunt Suzanne let me take home leftovers from dinner at her house last night, so I had delicious chicken salad croissants & salad for lunch while I read my book. I’m making significant progress in the book now, and have read about 45%, and I definitely like it more now than in the very beginning.


Afternoon tea-time felt like a must today, so I actually had two cups of tea – one lemon ginger & one pomegranate pizzazz – about two hours apart from each other.


Little Miss had a good day at school today, napping almost two full hours, and doing stamp art & playground time.



I picked up my little girl after school and work (started a new audio book in the car), and we headed home to check on Jeff. He stayed home from work today (obviously), and I had him Lysol wipe/spray the house before we got home. He was feeling better and said the Tami-flu appears to be working, but he was coughing a lot.

Also, look at this cute hair her teachers did for her!

For dinner, I made the coconut curry chicken ramen that we love, which is basically just the Thai version of chicken noodle soup, and it was sooo delicious, just like always. I’m proud of myself though, because I’ve now made it enough that I don’t have to look at the recipe anymore, and can even confidently add my own variations, like onions & carrots, & powdered ginger instead of fresh, which is just soooo much easier. Also, I actually cooked with coconut oil for the first time tonight, and it was super easy, and smelled delish while sauteing the veggies. Anyways, I’m hoping it’ll have the mysterious healing properties of “regular” chicken soup, to get us all healthy!

Emmie had her leftover Whataburger from a couple of days ago, plus tons of strawberries, some mini muffins, and some cheeze-its. And she wanted her hair to be taken down right before dinner, so it was looking particularly crazy while she ate 😆

She had a bath after dinner (she was an absolute mess!), and got all wrapped up like a baby burrito, which she loves. She was super duper sweet all night (we didn’t even have any whining or toddler freak-outs!), but she was especially sweet at bedtime. She held her pig while I read The Three Little Pigs, and then after prayers, she realized she “needed” a bandaid for her thumb. So we got her a bandaid, and then she said we needed to pray for her thumb, so we did, twice. Once with Daddy, and once more with Mommy after he left the room. (Still only blowing kisses to him at this point.)

I’ve actually been having some sinus issues today (pressure headache behind my eyes & such), and just feel exhausted. So I washed about half of the dishes, and now I’m calling it quits, and we’re gonna do tea (yes, my third cup of the day) and finish the movie we started last night, before heading for an early bedtime.

Jeff’s gonna stay home and work from home again tomorrow, and hopefully he’ll be back to normal in no-time. And hopefully it’s only sinuses for me, and nothing more. Night, friends!

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