Sneakers & Green Olives

So, I woke up super early this morning around 5am, with a really terrible sinus headache, so I took some sinus meds + Tylenol, turned all my alarms off, and went back to bed. I woke up again at 7:30 (Jeff had gotten up with Emmie around 6:30), and even though my headache wasn’t completely gone, it was better, so I decided to get moving. Emmie had some cereal with Daddy for breakfast, and she was in the sweetest little mood.


And then we got dressed and ready and went to school! (The water was back to about 90-ish% clean, with the hot being clearer than the cold, so I showered, but didn’t make coffee.) Emmie was very excited to wear her purple Growing Room shirt for spirit day Friday, especially with a matching purple jacket!





I didn’t have anything to take for lunch today, and since I got to work late, I planned to just take a short 30-minute break. I had a free pizza for my birthday, so I ordered online and ran out to pick it up super fast, and bring it back to my office. Also, I was wearing my new adidas shoes for the first time today, and they were sooooo comfy. Normally, I slip my shoes off under my desk and walk around office barefoot most of the day, but I didn’t take them off even one time today, until we finally got home tonight at like 7pm. So that’s really saying something for me. I hate typically don’t like shoes at all, and especially closed-toe shoes the most, so these are clearly some good kicks. And they’re still on super sale for only $35!! Should I get another pair, in this white/gray combo?


Oh and also, I accidentally clicked “green olives” instead of “green peppers” on my online order, and that ended up being kinda weird. I don’t like black olives, and only like green olives sometimes. I figured I would pick them off, but I tried it, and it was weirdly good. Salty from the olives, but tasty enough, since it was free dollars! 😉


Look at this cutie, having fun at school today. If you look at her belly, you can see another one of the stickers from last night. She wanted to take them in & share them with her friends today, so it looks like she got another one for herself as well!


Since Grammy didn’t get to pick up Emerson yesterday due to schedule changes with the storm, we decided to meet up with them for dinner tonight. So Grammy picked up Emerson after school, and we all met up for dinner at Dreamland BBQ.



Emerson was eating Grammy’s butter & sour cream with a spoon, and she made Papa have a little taste of it as well. He told her he didn’t want any, but she was like, “Papaaaaa, taste my butter!” So he had a tiny bite of butter from her 🙂




She told us she wanted to drive the car home, so we let her play around in the Jeep for a bit, before we had to try to get her to leave. Grammy promised her that if she was a good girl tonight, that Mommy would give her some chocolate coffee for breakfast tomorrow, so it seems I’m making her chocolate coffee tomorrow morning!


We had lots of nice play time at home before bedtime, with vacuuming, drawing, sticker-ing, and just loving on each other.






She told me she wanted me to draw one pink monster and one purple one, so this is what I came up with. Honestly, I’m NOT so good at drawing, so these are crazy looking, but she liked them! And she helped me name them – Munch & Pezkree. Hahaha. On the next page, she had me draw a green one with three legs, two tails, & purple dots, and she named it Baby Ceedee. (She said it was Ceedee, like ABCD.)


After getting on her nightgown, and putting on her night-time lotions and such, she asked for some goulash, aka chapstick.


After gummies for a snack, and watching some night-night videos, she wanted to just tell me some things about school today. So she was telling me about how her teacher had to put her in “thinking time” because she had been running around the room. She was so matter of fact about it, and she is just so goofy.


She was super sweet and loving at bedtime, and I got her to sleep super easily. It’s not tea time, and tv time, and probably an early bedtime. Happy friday night, friends!

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