Purple-Pink Skies

I was loving this new little t-shirt Emerson wore this morning, and her cute hair clip and pony tail for a PE day. And sweet little Addison was a bit more subdued today, because she was still very sleepy. You can even see her sleepy, pink-flushed cheeks still.

Another round of my Thai basil chicken and rice leftovers for lunch today, and reading more of my book club book. It’s interesting so far (and I can feel it will only get more and more interesting as I really get into the meat of the story), but it’s a little slow-going, as I’m only at page 80 after three days.

Cute little Addie Pie did eventually wake up more, and looks like she had a good day at school.

We met at up Firehouse for dinner before church, and Emerson ate her entire sandwich. That’s not really unusual for her though, because my girls loves sandwiches just as much as her mommy does.

We had a great night of prayer and worship for Wednesday night service, and this yellow-y/orange-y sky looked so pretty as we were leaving the church. Then two miles / two minutes down the road, everything was beautiful purple-pink skies by the time we got home. (“Give me the blues and then purple-pink skies” is line from a Taylor Swift song, from my favorite of her albums, “folklore.”)

Bedtime as soon as we got home, and both girls were very sleepy. Emmie had a mini meltdown (I’m not even sure what about), but I talked her through it, and got her calmed down. Addie snuggled with Daddy for a little bit, but then she just wanted to be laid down in her bed, to fall asleep on her own.

I actually had a super busy and somewhat stressful day at work (even got some not so great news), so I’m in need of some serious wind down time before going to sleep…

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