No Prob-Llama!

Once again, she told me she needed to supervise these plants this morning. I’m still not sure what that means, but I guess she’s just very into gardening and plants and such lately!




But she is “beary sweet.”


Still taking 30-minute lunches all week long, to off-set some of the leave time I took last week for a doctor’s appointment and two that Emmie has coming up this week. So I made myself a quick sandwich with fresh cherries and Caesar salad, and finished the last episode of Sweet Magnolias, which was very cute and sweet, and just the right amount of drama without being raunchy and inappropriate.


Ryan somehow got interested in the show too, so he watched most of the season with me, and was sitting on the couch waiting for me today for my lunch break to start. So sweet & cute! And look how sweet & cute Pretzel was too!



This was the only photo we got from school today, but it looked like her and all of her friends were having a good time in art together!


When we got home after school, it was just barely sprinkling, and she asked if she could go out and feel the rain. So she wandered around and ran some circles in the driveway, and was very pleased with this fun activity 🙂





She then asked specifically for cuddles on the couch in our jammies. But she was due for a bath tonight, so we did an early pre-dinner bath first, then put on her llama jammies and my camel nightgown, before Daddy got home with burgers for dinner. (The boys went over to Nana’s house this afternoon/evening to have dinner and hang out with one of their old friends who was in town for just this week.) Oh, this face was when she was being super silly and splashy and I said, “Hey there goofball,” and she looked up at me with this goofy little lip.


Oh after bath time, she was running around with her towel on her head/back like a cape, saying she was super girl!



Even after eating most of a giant burger, and plenty of fries, my girl was still in need of a snack. So to go with her llama jammies and stuffed Lluna the Llama, she grabbed a llama-rama granola bar.

Also, while we watched “One Hundred and One Dalmatians” again tonight, I decided she’s just like Rolly, the one that always wants snacks. The pup comes up to the mom and says, “I’m hungry mama, I need a snack.” And the mom says, “but you just ate dinner, Rolly.” And he says, “but I still need a snack all the same.” And if that isn’t Emerson!



She had to climb up on top of her little toy chest to get the best vantage point for picking her bedtime book (which of course had to be Llama Llama to go with the theme of the night), and then she decided she should stay up there and hang out while I read the book.




She was a very sweet nugget all night tonight, and especially still at bedtime, giving me tons of kisses and hugs.

The boys are still over at Nana’s hanging out, and she’ll bring them home later. For now, Jeff and I are gonna catch up on some of our YouTube faves until they get home.

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