Heart Doctor & Taco Truck

Look at this beautiful girl in her new golden dress, picked out for her by Papa. She’s so adorable, and I just love this dress on her!





This little face was when we heard a bird tweeting, and she started tweeting back at it. She is so funny!!


I’ve had a sinus/allergy pressure headache & head congestion for a couple of days now, and was not feeling so great this morning. Gabe had also been watching tv in the living room, so I decided to take my pizza and watch Netflix in bed for my 30-minute lunch break. It was so tempting to stay there all afternoon!


My girl was apparently in a great mood today, and had the teacher cracking up most of the day. After Miss Jessica did her hair this morning, apparently Emerson wanted to make sure Mommy saw it, and made her send me pictures in the parent app 😉





And just look at this silly little diatribe she went on about the stinky air! Too funny! I love writing down the funny things she says like this, so I was very grateful Miss Jessica wrote it down to share with us!


Jeff picked her up from school early, and took her for her cardiologist appointment. If you’re new here (or just missed one of my old posts about it), you may not know she was born with a small hole in her heart (called a VSD), so she has regular appointments with her pediatric cardiologist Dr. Vining, to get EKG’s and echocardiograms to monitor everything. Due to COVID restrictions, only one parent could take her, so Jeff took her today, when we usually both go. I hated missing it (and even felt a little anxiety/guilt about it), but Jeff sent me all sorts of updates during the appointment, and I know he had it all under control!



Jeff said she did really good today, sat sweetly and didn’t fuss or whine or anything. Which is really great, because the echocardiagram (basically an ultrasound on her heart) takes a while, and she has to be really still for that part.


But we need to ask you guys to pray for her some more please. Dr. Vining said the hole is still small, but there’s more blood flowing through at a higher volume now than before. This causes one side of her heart to work harder than the other one, which can lead to enlargement.

So, Dr. Vining is sending all the numbers and stats from today to a pediatric cardiac surgeon at Wolfon’s in Jacksonville, for him to take a look at everything. There’s a chance she could end up needing surgery to close up the heart. And that sounds just too scary for me to think about right now. So let’s all pray together for God to work a big miracle in my tiny girl’s heart so that she doesn’t need surgery.


I was just finishing up work when Jeff and Emerson got back home, and she decided she needed to do a little bit of work with me. She’s the cutest co-worker I’ve ever had! 🙂



Nana came to pick up the boys to take them to her church tonight (they are actually having in-person youth group, but ours is not, so we let them go there with her), so Emmie, Jeff and I went to try out a new-to-us taco truck. It’s called Chile & Chilis on West Tennessee. It’s a food truck, but this is their permanent spot, and they have a really nice little set up!



Look how cute we are in our accidentally-coordinated polka dot dresses! (Both from Old Navy.)






I got four al pastor tacos, and Jeff got two beef and two chicken. He loved them, and I liked them, but didn’t love them. I loved the cute little set-up, but I like the al pastor tacos at TacoMora better 🙂



We didn’t think Emmie would like these kinds of tacos, so we brought the other half of the cheeseburger that she didn’t finish last night, and she ate the whole thing. So that worked out really well.


We did some cuddles and videos after dinner, and then got ready for bed. After reading her books and saying prayers, we started to get up in the chair, and she climbed up first and said, “Come here Mommy, I’ll hold you like a tiny baby!” I told her I didn’t think it would work very well that way, but that I would hold her like a tiny baby instead.


We chatted a little bit, and she told me about painting boxes at school, and that one of her friends messed it up because he wasn’t paying attention. We talked some more, and then I reminded her that she was two years old tonight, but that when she wakes up in the morning it will be her birthday, and she’ll be THREE years old! And you guys, I have no idea how these three years have passed so quickly!? I asked if I could take one more picture of her as a two-year-old, and she said yes. I told her it would be really bright from the flash, and she just thought it was hilarious.


I got all of the random dishes from the past few days washed up after getting her down, and then Nana brought the boys home right as I was finishing up. So once I finish up here, we’re going to start the next movie in the Star Wars series, Episode VII.


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