Letters & Flashcards

This morning, Emerson woke up asking to do the letter book. At first, I didn’t even know what she meant, but then she said the letter book from Ms. Q, and I remembered this letter tracing book Ms. Q got her. She has such a great memory! Also, she was surprisingly good at this, for never trying to write letters like this before! I was super impressed!



She played in her kitchen for a while after that, with the beautiful sunlight streaming through her windows. She made me fish ice cream (which she promised was good) and coffee. But then she came over and told me my coffee was bad, and then drank the whole thing. I asked for a fresh pot then since the first one was bad, and she gladly made me more.




She asked for a sausage biscuit for breakfast, and even though I had planned on oatmeal this morning, Daddy was more than happy to run out to a drive thru for some breakfast biscuits. And then she ate at least half of that giant thing!



I fixed myself a fresh cup of (real) coffee, and watched her play in her room again for a long time. I grabbed my Kindle to read while she played, but after reading just one page, she decided she wanted to do flash cards with me instead. But instead of me quizzing her, she made me tell her all the shapes and colors and letters and animals.





This one below was her going for a swim.. 🙂





Emerson asked for more sausage biscuit for lunch again, so Daddy was more than willing to take her in the car for another drive thru. But McDonald’s isn’t doing breakfast all day anymore, so she settled for a chicken nugget Happy Meal, and ended up getting a really cool dino in an egg toy that she loves. She ate well, and then we read a couple of books before nap time. (Oh, and if you’ve noticed, yes, she was still in her nightgown. She opted to stay in it all day, and why not?! She stayed in it all day until bath time, and then just put on a new fresh nightgown! 🙂 )




After nap time, Nana & PopPop came by to see Emerson, and bless us with a little bit of groceries! They stayed to play for a little while, and I got some of Emerson’s stuff unpacked while Nana played with Emmie.





And then some of our sweet friends from church, Mark & Lynn, brought us dinner – fried chicken and all this deliciousness to go with it. Jeff and I actually never ate lunch today, so we were all too ready to fill up our plates for an early-ish dinner at 5:30pm, since we got used to such early dinners at the RMH last week. Little Emmie just wanted fruit and a roll for her dinner, so why not!? I loaded up my plate too much though, and could only finish half the chicken and half the potato, but dang that broccoli slaw/salad was SO dang good!





After dinner, we did Emmie’s first real bath since her surgery, and although I was nervous about it, it went well. We only put in the bare minimum of water, and didn’t let her splash and play, and I was VERY super careful, and the incision site stayed almost completely dry. (It’s okay if it gets a little wet, but it can’t get soaked or submerged, so we’re just trying to be on the safe side and keep it as dry as possible.) We also changed her bandage again afterwards, and although it didn’t go perfectly smooth, it went better than two nights ago. But within just a few minutes, she was already smiling and fine, and playing peek-a-boo with her dinosaur towel!





We had a few video calls tonight with Uncle Keith & Aunt Suzanne, then Grammy, Papa & Grandmommie, and finally Uncle Bo and Aunt Meggie. She loved talking with all of them, and she loved showing Meggie & Bo her new bed, plus putting a ton of her animals in there with her. She made me read her one of her bedtime books while they were still on the phone, and they pretended to fall asleep, and she thought it was the funniest thing ever.



We read one more bedtime book, and this is Emmie laying down so sweetly for bedtime prayers.



She was of course NOT ready to go to sleep, because she was not tired and didn’t want to sleep. I had to do some serious bargaining and bribing to get her to settle down, but it actually worked and she was quiet and falling asleep by 8:30, which was an hour earlier than last night! Oh yeah, and even though it took her a while to go to sleep last night, she did actually stay in her bed and sleep all night long, and didn’t wake up until 7am! So all three of us got better sleep than the last few nights before that. So we’re optimistic that she’ll sleep well again tonight, so that we can too!

We had a good day just lazing about the house and playing together as a family of three. My Mama found and shared this Bible verse today that was the perfect summation of the past 10 days, and our rest day today. It says, “Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”

It just felt so perfect, because we know our hearts and souls don’t have to worry about our girl, because HE has been very, very good to us!!! And he has worked a miracle in her tiny body!

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