I Love You, Rosie Unicorn

So after going back into Emmie’s room for a second or third time last night, we had a quiet little chat about bedtime, and I promised her that if she went to sleep, that I would make her biscuits and scrambled eggs for breakfast. She did actually go to sleep then, so of course I held up my end of the promise this morning! But we had to eat our breakfast in course, because I got the eggs done faster than the biscuits…

But this girl loves eggs!

And of course she loves buttered biscuits!

After breakfast, we got dressed and went out to run some errands. We did TJ Maxx first, where we were looking for Halloween costumes. I mentioned to Meg the other day that I didn’t know what to do (we’re not hosting a trunk for trunk or treat this year, so we don’t have a theme we’re working with and I felt lost), so she just suggested we ask her! We asked at breakfast this morning what costume she wanted to wear, and she said, “dress!” So I asked if she wanted to be a princess, and she loved the idea! Buuuttt…. then she found something else, and wouldn’t even try on a princess dress. Gonna keep it a “secret” for now, just so it’s more fun to post pictures when she actually wears it. But it’s gonna be super cute!

She also picked out this little stuffed unicorn, and she was such a good girl in the store, we got it for her, since it was only $6 anyways.

We also stopped in next door at Trader Joe’s. Where she of course just absolutely needed a banana.

And then she needed to push her own little buggy. She was a very helpful little shopping buddy!

And the nice cashier gave her some stickers, which she always likes.

My parents found a couple of my old childhood Bibles in their unpacking at the new house, and we brought them home last night. Except they were still in the car today, and Emmie was very interested in them today. She was reading the Bible all the way home! (She really was chattering and babbling, like she was actually reading.) It was really sweet.

We didn’t have any specific plans or shopping lists at Trader Joe’s, but we stocked up on some old standby’s like veggie fried rice & pork dumplings, plus a couple more pumpkin flavored items to try. And actually two boxes of those tiny pumpkin ice cream cones.

We made a quick lunch for Emmie before her nap time… (leftover cheese noodles and one of the new applesauce pouches from from TJ’s.)

We were talking about what to name her new unicorn, and I suggested “Rosie” because of her rose gold wings, ears & hooves. She liked it, so we went with it. Sitting here on her little stool watching a video, she held the unicorn up in front of her, and said, “I love you, Rosie Unicorn.” And I instantly melted into a puddle because she’s just so sweet.

Emmie went down for her nap a few minutes later, and Jeff and I took some time to chill and eat lunch, and snuggle with Pretzel, and then we also worked on washing dishes and doing laundry.

Emmie napped for about two hours, the we snuggled on the couch watching some videos while she slowly woke up. We went to Walmart for my grocery pick-up order, and we also went inside for a few things we forgot to include. Once we got home, I put a chicken pot pie from TJ’s in the oven for dinner, and Emmie and I did TWO crafts!

For the first one, I made a little watered-down paste with Elmer’s, and we used it to decoupage tissue paper on a Mason jar. Tomorrow, I’ll “seal” the whole thing with Mod  Podge, and tie on some twine underneath the ring of the lid, to make it into a tiny, homemade lantern! Then on November 3rd, we are joining a little lantern walk with Tinkergarten (my church friend Emily is a leader), to welcome fall and the time change! For the lantern walk, we’ll put a tiny battery-operated tea light into it, and turn our jar into a lantern! I signed up a couple of weeks ago, and I think it looks like it’ll be fun and cute, and I think Emmie will love it!

And then we also painted this tiny little mermaid wind chime that we found at Walmart, for just $1.79.

Oh, so every time one of the new illustrated Harry Potter books comes out, we order a new Funko Pop for our collection. For the fourth one this year, we got Hagrid, and I finally got him out of the box & on display today. You can tell below he’s much bigger than the regular ones, which of course Hagrid would be, and I love his pink umbrella!

Ok so even though I followed the instructions to a T, it was still a little cold in the center, so we had to microwave each of our bowls for another couple of minutes. But other than that, this was really tasty!

On the way to the bathroom for a bath after dinner, she was like, “I need to rock for a few minutes.” So she did! She’s just so silly.

And she had a great time playing in the bathtub tonight. We got ALL of the letters out, and I told her what each of them were, and she repeated them all. She can recognize an “E” and an “O” all on her own, so I think we’re off to a great start.

She was very excited to bring Rosie to her bedroom for night night time.

And she gave her lots and lots of hugs. (She picked out her own bright orange fox socks.)

Once again, we had to deal with a very difficult bedtime. She is just having a week. And phew, it’s been a time. I was in with her for about 30-ish minutes, and then she started asking for Daddy. So he came and held her for another 30-ish minutes, with minimal whining and chatting. He was finally able to lay her down, almost an hour later, and she’s quiet in there now.

Since there are only a few dishes from tonight, I’m just gonna let them wait until tomorrow, so I can just sit down and rest. It’s been a good, but long, day! We were expecting to get tons and tons of rain and wind from the tropical storm, and even though it did rain most of the day, it wasn’t too bad. It did however keep us mostly stuck indoors though, so I’m hoping we can get out in the world at least for a little while tomorrow afternoon. My friend Tamera posted some super cute pumpkin patch pictures of her boy, from a church out on Bannerman, so I’m thinking we might try to go after nap time tomorrow to check it out ourselves!

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