Hogwarts & Game Wardens

After our little sick day together yesterday, and Addie’s negative flu/covid tests, both girls were back at school today, and I went back to work. I had two 5-day weekends over the last couple of weeks, and that was crazy! But obviously I loved it. But today wasn’t so bad… Oh and although you can’t see Emmie’s shirt very well, she was wearing a new outfit, which read, “Cool like my aunt,” and I’m sure we can all guess who gifted her that 🙂

I loved this new outfit Addison was wearing today, with the minty, super soft, ruffled sweatshirt, and the cute flowers& colors on her pants. It was a Christmas present, and I’m gonna put it on her as much as I can before she outgrows it, or before the gets too warm!

I brought in a few new things to the office today, like my new 2022 Dollar Tree calendar, and a few Christmas gifts. Bothe the mug and the pop figure were gifts (also from Megan & Bo!) for Christmas, and I love them both so much! When I first opened the mug, I loved it right away because it’s mostly my favorite teal color, and I liked the floral pattern. But upon closer inspection, I realized it was actually a Harry Potter Hogwarts design, and I loved it even more!

And I’ve started a little collection of my favorite fictional female characters in my office, and Leslie the Riveter was the most perfect new addition! (I also have a few HP female characters at home, like Hermione, Luna, and Professors McGonagall & Trelawney – but they all stay with the other HP folks in our bookshelf.)

Leftover taquitos with rice and beans for lunch, an orange from a work friends backyard, extra coffee (because I’m completely exhausted these days, well, as always), and a new book, to get started on my goal to read a physical book per month this year. This book has been adapted into a movie, and I have plans to go see the movie with the women in my family in a few weeks, so I think I might try to finish it before then.

Addison actually started in the next biggest class at school today, with her new teacher, Miss Heather (who was also Emmie’s teacher at this age!), and she had a great first day! She didn’t nap very long, but she ate well, and played and had fun, and we got great photos of her!

And it looks like Emmie got to practice with some scissors today!

Beautiful skies on the way home! Emerson loved that tiny bird up on the highest wire, and actually wanted me to take a picture of him, so I took this, and then zoomed in as close as I could so she could see it.

We went super simple tonight for dinner, and Jeff and I had leftover Shepherd’s pie with leftover garlic bread, and Emerson had a hodge-podge of her choosing, consisting of white rice, butter noodles, grapes & a Gogurt. Addie also shared my potatoes & Emmie’s rice.

On the way home tonight, Emerson was like, “I wish we had the show where they do the animals in the woods and they wear the green shirts.” It took a few more minutes of convo, but I figured out she meant “Northwoods Law,” which we watch sometimes at Grammy & Papa’s house. So I found it on Discovery+ and we watched the first two episodes while eating dinner. For some reason, she loves this show about game wardens in Maine… She’s such a goofball!

Emerson watched a little bit of Matilda before her bedtime, and I fed Addison a bottle and then she fell asleep.

Emmie was a little whiny at bedtime, and was complaining about her legs hurting. She’s told us about this before, and it might be just shin splints or growing pains, but we went ahead and gave her some Tylenol and an ice pack, and got her laid back down. Addie ended up waking up again after about 20 minutes in her crib, so Jeff is rocking her back to sleep now, and then hopefully she’ll be good for the rest of the night.

I’m going to make some hot tea for Jeff and I both, and finish my current episode of Survivor (yes, I’m still obsessed/binging old seasons, currently on season two), and then head off to bed, because I am exhausted!

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