Ziplock Charcuterie

We love the days when Aunt Meggie and the triplets come to school early, so we can all do drop-off together! And today, all five girls were wearing pink!


In the car on the way to school this morning, we were talking about college and jobs when she gets older and “do you go to college to be a mom?” And she was like, “Well you need stuff to be a mom, like a purse, ya know.” So I said, “Well you already a couple of purses.” And she was like, “Yeah, but it’s not big enough to be a mom-purse.” Then she proceeded to talk about how it hers wasn’t like mine (not my every day little one), but my bigger one that’s like a combo purse/backpack one… This girl just cracks me up.

Kensley stopped here all on her own, because this is their usual photo spot, and waited for me to take her picture. Then Riley stopped, but Ellie wasn’t in the mood for an individual photo today 🙂

Emerson saw this tiny ball pit in Addison’s new classroom when we picked her up yesterday afternoon, and she was dying for me to put her in it when we got there today.

I was loading up on all the liquids today – coffee, ice water, and Emergen-C, hoping to help get rid of my little mild cold, but flushing my system with all the fluids.

And for lunch, I had “ziploc charcuterie” from all the leftovers from Nana’s house Sunday night. It felt like a lot of cheese, so I made sure to eat a lot of grapes & carrots to get in plenty of veggies. And I gotta be honest, although I got my book out to read, I really couldn’t hold a book and flip pages while eating this, so I actually watched Survivor on my phone 😉

Addison Laurel is 8 months old today! She’s only 14lbs (still on the smaller end of the percentiles), but she doesn’t let that slow her down! She is pulling up on everything, and never sits still. She’s starting to really like both her baby food & the bites of our food we share with her. Her big sister Emerson is her favorite person, and I love the bond they’re creating. Also, this little dress was one Jeff and I bought Emerson back in 2018 from the Cayman Islands, on our 5-year anniversary cruise!

And we got some more cute photos of our girls today!

Baby Addie girl fell asleep on the ride home, and then Emmie helped me get dinner put together.

She sliced up her own banana tonight. This is the second or third time she’s done this recently, and she really likes doing it. She’s always so proud of herself, and I really am too!

We used more of the leftovers from Nana’s house on Sunday night, to make some meatball “subs” for dinner. I had bought a pack of hoagies over the weekend, but when I pulled them out tonight, they were all moldy already. So we just made do with a few other rand things of bread, and it worked out pretty well! I also put a little bit of pesto on the sandwiches too, because I had it like that at Midtown Caboose one time, and I liked it.

We took turns eating (Emmie and I up at the counter while Jeff fed Addie a bottle), and then had some time to play and hang out together and watch more of “Matilda” again after dinner.

We made some more hot tea tonight too. When she opened up my tea box, she literally said, “Hmmm what do we have here?” And then when I asked her for a photo, she struck this little pose with the honey bear, and I told her she looked like a honey bear model. And although Emerson literally had a fit and cried because she didn’t like the smell of her tea, before she even tasted it (she picked raspberry tonight), she did eventually try it, like 10 minutes later, and decided she liked it, and even drained her entire mug… Four-year-old’s are crazy, y’all.


Bedtime for Emmie went alright, after reading this random “joke book” she borrowed from the school today. She was laughing at jokes I know she didn’t actually get, but she was funny about it.

I’ve got a new candle lit that Jeff gave me for Christmas, and it smells amazing. Addison was asleep in Jeff’s arms, but she woke up as soon as he laid her in the crib. So we’re gonna give her another bottle, and hopefully that will do the trick.

Jeff’s working on some laundry, and I’ve got some dishes to attend to, and we’re going to finish up the Harry Potter reunion special thing on HBO, which we started last night and made it about halfway through. It’s really cute already, and I was loving it last night, but still fell asleep on the couch…


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