Five Happy Girls

Megan and I coordinated our drop-off’s this morning, so today you get to see FIVE sweet, adorable girls!

Today was the holiday snack party at  the office, so I had a whole plate full of chocolate desserts for my afternoon snack. (I know those look like olives in the middle, but they’re Oreo balls.)

There was SO much traffic after work today, plus the rain, and I had to stop to get gas. But even though I got to school about 10 minutes late, Addie hadn’t finished her bottle. Normally when that happens, she just finishes when we get home, and Jeff holds her while I cook. But tonight, girlfriend was fussing and crying in the car, so at a stoplight, I reached back and gave her the unfinished bottle, and she held it by herself, and finished the whole thing before we got home!

This afternoon, I gave Jeff some directions for getting dinner started in the crock-pot. So then we just had to boil some noodles, and make a side salad, and dinner was ready. We made slow-cooker Olive Garden Italian chicken pasta (the second time I’ve made this recipe), and it was so stinking delicious. We all cleaned our bowls, and Jeff and I even had seconds.

Even Addison got to try both noodles and chicken for the first time tonight (in teeny-tiny pieces of course), and she loved it too!

We had bath time after dinner, and then Emerson had a tiny bowl of rainbow sherbet for her dessert, and Jeff put Addison to sleep for a teensy cat-nap. I set a 10-minute alarm for Emmie to watch a Mickey Christmas movie (we set alarms for lots of things around here, and it’s very effective in our house), and I sat next to the Christmas tree and read for 10 minutes. And then Emmie joined me by the tree for her bedtime book.

After getting Emerson to sleep, I fed Addison a bottle, and got lots of snuggles once she fell back to sleep after finishing her milk.

And please just look at how absolutely perfect this little angel baby’s face is!!!

My sinuses/allergies have been bothering me for a couple of days now, but it’s worse tonight. I’ve taken some meds already, and I’m just waiting for them to kick in. Heading off to move Sheppy again tonight, then head off to bed pretty soon.

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