First Day of Summer Camp

Emerson was up and raring to go early this morning, so excited about the first day of summer camp! She was dressed and ready to go, including shoes and socks and everything, like wayyyy earlier than she needed to be, because she just couldn’t even wait any longer!

And who even knows what Addie Pie was doing here on the steps…

But we were so excited to see these happy, sunny trippies when we got to daycare at the same time!

Just two pics of Addie from school, but she’s making funny little faces in both of them, which I really like.

It took a bit longer to pick up Emmie from summer camp than it used to take to get her from Gilchrist, and I also had to stop for gas, so we got home about 15-20 minutes later than usual. So when we did make it home, Jeff was already home and working out in the yard again, on stuff he didn’t finish this past weekend. I made some chicken Caesar wraps, with rice and canned pears, and the girls and I ate while Jeff kept working. (He ate later once he finished.)

And this girl was famished from her first day of summer camp, and ate almost everything on her plate. She ended up going back and finished those last few bites of chicken too. (Please take notice of that giant hole in her mouth from last night, too.)

By the time we finished dinner, it was pretty much time to get ready for bed right away, since everything was a little bit later than usual.

The girls were both so tired already, and were literally just laying in the living room floor watching tv, both cuddled up in towels… Keep in mind, we have probably 50+ blankets in the house, half of which are child-sized and would have been perfect for them, but random towels did the trick anyways.

Both girls went to bed easily since they were both so tired, so that went well. I’m going to go listen to my current audio book, and wash up the dishes, and get stuff prepped for tomorrow. And then I’ll probably finish reading my current Kindle library book, which has been very cute so far.

Oh, and here’s our one second every day video for May, which I was just a few days late.

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