Super Sleepy Monday

(Blog post for Monday, 5/9/2022.)

Addison’s teacher was on vacation last week & was still out Monday morning. She missed her teacher, and had some rough drop-off’s with some of the fill-in’s, like yesterday morning when she cried when we had to leave her. But of course Emerson makes sure to give her lots of loves before we leave the classroom.

I was soooo tired ALL DAY yesterday. It was a good thing I packed this extra coffee in the matching bottle that came in my lunch box, so that I could have some extra caffeine at lunch (pot roast leftovers from my MIL’s house Sunday), otherwise I wouldn’t have made it through the day. Even with all that coffee, I was still super tired, and pretty cranky all day.

Despite Addie’s rough drop-off, I know she was fine the rest of the day, especially since some of her other usual teachers were still there the rest of the day.

And since I was still so tired, I made the easiest meal I had on deck for the week, chicken & roasted ravioli (the Rana brand, from the refrigerated grocery section) with alfredo & garlic bread & my favorite Olive Garden salad. And although Emerson didn’t like the ravioli and put up a fight about it (Jeff later made her a PB&J for her dinner), the rest of us liked it, and Addie ate every bite on her tray.

Emmie kept playing a little game of hide & seek / peek-a-boo with Addie, and they were both laughing and giggling so much.

Jeff took care of some of the kitchen clean-up after dinner, while Emmie ate her PB&J in the living room, and Addie and I played in her room. Then Emmie came to join us for a while too. We’ve been playing in here a lot more lately, now that Addie can walk. This room keeps her more contained, and there’s less “bad stuff” for her to get into, without having to “baby proof.”

Emerson had a little accident the other night and we the bed (then she ended up sleeping in my bed the rest of the night, while Jeff volunteered to sleep on the couch again), so we got a fresh sheet put on, and she hopped up and said, “Wait, take my picture before we put all my stuff back on while it’s still clean.” So then after this, we proceeded to add one pillow, about 15 stuffed animals, and one gigantic stuffed chick.

Both girls had a pretty easy bedtime, but I was still just so wiped out, and still feeling grumpy and cranky, and wanted to just take a night off to give myself a break. So I laid on the couch for a while, and then we watched some YouTube videos together, and I finally fell asleep, still laying on the couch.

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