In The Name of Comfort & Laziness

This afternoon, Emerson got to go on a special Christmas trip with Grammy and Papa. But this morning she found Sheppy stowed away in her backpack to join her on the trip.

We were up super early as usual, but I got her to watch videos on the tv in our bedroom for a while, so we could get a little more “sleep,” until about 7:45. Then I made us all coffee or hot chocolate to go with our egg sandwiches for breakfast. And this little choco milk mustache girl ate her entire sammich!

Then we went to church at Generations Church this morning, to watch my sister direct their annual Christmas kids musical. She’s done this for many years now, and she always does a great job, and this year as no exception. It was so cute and fun! Emmie also stayed in the sanctuary to watch it with us, and she did really great too.



We did a quick simple lunch with Grammy and Papa at Zaxby’s afterwards, took a couple photos of my girl in her adorable Christmas dress and sparkly sweater, and then the loaded up and hit the road for their special trip!

It may not appear at first glance that it’s a “Christmas dress,” but the flamingos & pineapples all have Santa hats on 🙂

Mama told me Emerson asked about 1,000 questions in the car, and finally gave in and slept for about 30 minute on their car ride. They went up to Pine Mountain, Georgia, to see the Christmas lights display at Callaway Gardens!

Back in Tally, I played on my phone for a bit, and took & shared book photos, and then while Jeff slept (finished listening to HP5 a few weeks ago), I binge-watched about 4.5 episodes of “Dawson’s Creek,” but never actually napped myself. I was completely lazy, for the first time in I don’t know how long, and it was…. weird. I’m not even sure if I liked it or not, because it was just so weird! And I definitely missed my little girl!

But they got to ride a fun trolley, and see thousands of beautiful Christmas lights, and that picture of her with the reindeer is just too stinking adorable!!

She actually loves being in a “who-tel,” so I’m sure she’ll have a good night with Grammy and Papa. And she looks warm and comfy in a “new” pair of hand-me-down Christmas jammies.

Jeff and I had planned to go out to a sit-down restaurant tonight, in honor of being kid-free, but in the name of comfort and laziness, we decided to just order Longhorn take-out (with a gift card!) instead, and bring it back home to enjoy on our couch. I got the kids meal (and was still stuffed), and with our $25 gift card, we only paid like $7! And it was absolutely DELISH.

We finished watching “Godmothered” while we ate, which we started last night on Disney+, and then decided to switch gears after that. We decided to watch HP5 (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), cuddled up on the couch, ready to be lazy some more. We are used to watching movies with the volume low at night in hopes of not waking Emmie, so it’s like a treat to turn the volume up and not even worry about it!

I’ve done basically nothing but sit on my rump for an entire day, but maybe that’s just what this pregnant lady needed! I’m still super full from dinner (even a couple hours later), but I think I need at least one of those sugar cookies we made yesterday…

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