Christmas Day 2021

Somehow, by a Christmas miracle, we got to sleep in a little bit, and by the time we all got moving, and got Addie fed first, it was almost 8am before we started opening presents!

After our little Christmas home, we went over to Grammy’s house for brunch and presents and lunch and more food… I feel like all I did was eat today, peppered with some presents in between 😉

I paid my friend Britteny to make this “W” sign for Megan & Bo, and she loved it! (Britteny made us one for Christmas, and I liked it so much, and I knew Meg would too!)

This tiny adorable mermaid backpack was one of Emmie’s gifts from Aunt Meggie & Uncle Bo. She immediately started filling it up, and carried it around for most of the rest of the day.

For a joint gift, Megan asked her friend to draw this picture of Granddaddy (who passed away over five years ago now) holding all of the great-grandgirls, and it came out so incredible! I cried when she first showed me a few weeks ago, and we knew everyone would cry again today, and of course, we all did.

Meg & Bo took the girls home to nap at their house, and Emmie and I napped together in the guest room.

The others came back after nap time, and we stayed and hung out just a little bit longer.

But then we ordered pizza and headed home to have a quiet, chill Christmas night at home, after a couple of very busy, chaotic days.

The little girls had bath time together, then we watched a little bit of Daniel Tiger, while calming down before bedtime, wearing some new Christmas jammies.

Addie-pie had another bottle and fell asleep super fast, and I was able to lay her down in her crib with no problems. Emmie-girl was a little more complicated than that, but nothing too difficult. (Not like some other nights…) Like I said, it’s been a busy few days, and we were up until after midnight last night finishing everything up, so I am one. tired. Mama. Goodnight, y’all!



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