June 2019

Lunch with Sister on her First Day of Work!

For the summer, Emmie’s new & old classrooms will start together until 8am, so we do drop-off in Q’s room. Emerson was clingy this morning and wouldn’t let me put her down to play, so Q took her from me, and gave her some tiny Pop-Tart bites, and then Emmie just started waving & telling me bye!

Lunch with Sister on her First Day of Work! Read More »

Air Mattress

I got super lucky these last few days – the triplets slept (mostly) through the night, from roughly 10:30pm – 5:30am, with only some minor fussing and crying here and there, but we were able to put their paci’s back in, calm them down, and get them back to sleep. So relatively speaking, in terms of newborn sleep, I got lucky! And starting my day snuggling and feeding these nuggets is just so sweet!

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