Towards The Sun

After a super rainy, gray, dreary day yesterday, the sun was starting to come out when we left the house this morning. Then as we got off the interstate and rounded a corner, the sun was bright and shining and beautiful! And ironically, we were listening to a song named “Towards The Sun” from our Disney/Pixar playlist I made us, and it was just perfect and Emerson and I were both so excited to see the sun!

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Spaghetti Straps

We had a great day at home today, despite the nasty weather, with the tornado warnings the flood watch…  (Addison is under quarantine because her teacher tested positive for covid last week, and then daycare closed anyways, because of the weather, keeping Emerson home too.) But since most of what we did today was just our typical stay-at-home stuff, I’ll just basically photo-dump-and-run tonight…

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A is for Ariel

Tonight is one of those nights when I’m just super stinking tired. Like, I feel really exhausted and can’t stop yawning, so this’ll be short & sweet.

First of all, I only took one little girl to school today, but she was excited to go to school, but missed having Baby Sister with us. Unfortunately, one of Addison’s teachers tested positive for covid yesterday, so her class was closed starting today, for the next 10 days… 🙁

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