Honor Daisy Award

Precious little girls this morning, even though one of them wasn’t quite ready to smile for sister pics at home…

But she was smiling with Olaf once we got to school.

At daycare drop-off this morning, Bo met me with Megan’s lunchbox, full of leftovers from two of their home-cooked meals this week, for me to have for work lunch this week! The bottom one was Hawaiian plate lunch with shredded pork, rice & mac salad (which I had today and it was delicious), and the top one is chicken & dumplings (which I’m so excited to have tomorrow!).

I was back at church early tonight for praise team rehearsal at 6pm. But since Emmie didn’t have choir anymore, Jeff took both girls to dinner at Wendy’s, before heading back to church for prayer time and awards night.

They memorize scripture and earn badges for learning about things like sharing and kindness. They learned sign language to one of their scriptures as well, and look how incredibly cute and sweet!



Emmie (and a few little friends) is graduating out of the youngest class, the Daisies, and will be moving up to Prims. Emerson and her friend Emma both earned 10 badges so they also go the “Honor Daisy” award tonight.

And little baby Addie was just very proud to show me the reindeer painting she made with her favorite Miss Ary!

It was a late night getting home after church, but we still watched just a few minutes of Taylor, in honor of her birthday today 😉

I think I’m going to repaint my fingernails tonight, while we watch our favorite travel YouTube couple, on part 2 of their 9-day journey to 9 Christmas markets in 9 European countries. (Here’s part 1.)

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