Two-day Twosday

Last night, I was exhausted, and I went straight to bed after putting Emerson and Addison to sleep. I didn’t clean the kitchen, wash dishes or bottles, or blog. So tonight, this is one giant two-day post (and it’s also “Twosday,” 2/22/22!), for both yesterday & today. I am still tired though, and I do still have dishes to wash, so I’m going to bust this out as quickly as possible…

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Doing a quick, short post tonight, before Jeff and I run out the door for dinner on a rare date night! Grammy picked up the girls from school for a sleepover, so we’re about to leave now, and then I’ll just get to “take the night off” later!

This morning, Emmie chose Y for YARN for her show & tell bag today, and it was a mess, but it was all her idea, and she was so proud of it!

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