Cousin Play Date

Of course y’all know Emerson was awake loooong before the sun this meonign, as usual. So we crawled out of bed with her, and lazed around for an hour or so, before it was a more acceptable hour to get up and out of the house. We ran by Dunkin donuts to grab some coffee and donuts for breakfast, and then went out to have a playdate with the triplets!

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Time Change

So last night, we kept Emerson up about an hour later, hoping that she wouldn’t wake up at the butt-crack of dawn this morning, but than plan was foiled… She woke up the first time this morning at 5:15 (which was right on schedule with the time change, since she wakes herself up at 6:15 almost every single day), but I convinced her to go back to sleep, for another 45 minutes or so, and then we were up for good by 6:30am. So by 7am, we were in the kitchen mixing together some bread dough!


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