November 2023

Spring Rolls & Tom Kha

This morning, my cold finally caught up with me, and I was totally and completely exhausted. I could barely wake up around 8am, and then when I moved to the couch, I kept falling asleep while the girls played. Luckily, Jeff took care of the girls and picked up our groceries, and let me rest, and then I was finally ready to get up and moving around 11am. And surprise, I’m back on my roasted garlic and tomato toast bit again.

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Camping at Falling Waters

For our 3-day Veteran’s Day weekend, we took the girls camping at Falling Waters State Park, over in Chipley. This was Emerson’s third camping trip, but Addison’s first! We spent the majority of Friday packing and loading everything up, and finally got on the road around 3pm. Thanks to Jeff’s dad Dave (aka PopPop) for loaning us his truck for the weekend!

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