Pandemic Pedicures

We got to “sleep in until 8am” today, and since I went to bed shortly after 10pm last night, that was actually a great amount of sleep! Praise the Lord for small miracles! We had donuts for breakfast and got in a good bit of cuddling on the couch. We got yesterday’s mail, and found a birthday card for Emerson from her Sunday School teachers, with two sheets of stickers that she had to use right away.


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Your Arm Bit Me!

For what felt like the first time in forever (please sing that in your head like Anna from “Frozen”), I got up and showered and dressed and ready to head out the door to go to church! I was running just a few minutes late, so I had to choose between make-up & no coffee, or getting coffee and putting my make-up on at church… So obviously the choice was to stop for a large coffee!


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