Strawberry Surprise

We finally made it back to school today! Her classroom closed last week when a teacher who had been in her room tested positive for covid, so she spent a week at home in quarantine. All of us tested negative over the weekend, so her and friends returned back to school today. She was actually really excited to go back, and ran inside to give Ms. Renee (the director) a hug and barely looked back and definitely didn’t cry. I was so proud of her!

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At-Home Valentime’s Spa Day

We went pretty low-key this year for “Valentime’s” Day (yes, that’s how Emerson pronounces it), partly because we were just at home, and partly because we wanted to… And so we just got Emmie the towel turbans I knew she’d love, and Jeff got Emmie and I both a heart-shaped box of chocolates. And I didn’t even remember to get anything for him, oopsies.

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Glucose, Interviews & Painting

First thing this morning, I had to report to LabCorp for my 3-hour glucose test. This is actually my second one this pregnancy, because they made me do it really early on, and now I had to repeat it during Week 25, which is the normal time for it. It was really hard to get this sugar-water down this time, but I made it eventually, and didn’t get sick.

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Mommy Daycare

Today was our first full-day of our quasi-quarantine, and at-home Mommy Daycare. Jeff got up early with Emmie at 6:15, and let me sleep until about 7:30am. Once I was awake and moving and ready to start the day, Emmie requested an egg sandwich for breakfast, I made myself an avocado bagel, with a little help from my sous chef. And Jeff just wanted a bowl of cereal 😉

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Avocado & Alfredo

Emerson was in a great mood this morning, and we had a good drop-off. She’s always excited for Monday morning when she gets to take her backpack in, but today we also took in a bunch of plastic bags, and she loves doing that too. So it was a big morning for her! And I just love the face & pose she’s got going on in this first photo…

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Guitars & Mixed CD’s

Well we started the day with an unusual turn of events – Emerson slept until 7:30am! And when she woke up, she didn’t call for us, she just got up out of bed and walked over to our room, then crawled up in bed and snuggled in between us. She stayed in there with us for about 15 minutes, and I couldn’t get enough of her sweet, warm snuggles.

Then we had an early grocery pick-up slot (I’ve discovered I qualify as “high-risk” since I’m pregnant), so we got our groceries and then grabbed McDonald’s for breakfast on our way back home.

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Wearing Red for Healthy Hearts

Today was National Wear Red Day to help spread awareness for cardiovascular disease and overall heart health, specifically in women. And since my tiny Emerson is now on the other side of a scary open-heart surgery, healthy and thriving with a healthy heart now, of course we had to wear red today to join in the movement!

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The Art of Grilling in the Rain

(This post is for Sunday, 1/31/21. After getting Emerson in bed Sunday night, I ended up talking to a friend on the phone for over an hour and fifteen minutes, and then just went to bed and skipped blogging. So here’s the post for Sunday!)

On the way to church, Emerson was like, “Is it OK if I sleep in the car?” We were like, “YES PLEASE have a rest!” So she bundled herself up and closed her eyes… and “rested” for all of 2 minutes. It didn’t last long, but it was adorable and sweet.

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