Bagels, Smoothies & Tortellini

(Blog post for Monday, June 7.)

We had a rough night with Addison last night from about 8pm-9:30 (just one of those typical, wont-stop-screaming nights newborns sometimes have), so there was no way I had the energy to blog once we finally got her calm. So I’m gonna write this super fast, while Jeff ran to pick up Tater Tot from school this afternoon.

Emmie had a good drop-off yesterday morning, and was ready for another week of school!

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Emerson’s Day at the Beach

Emerson has been dying to go to the beach for over a month now, but with the arrival of our newest girl, we kept having to put it off. But today, Daddy and Nana loaded up and took her down to St, George Island for a few hours! Addison and I stayed home and had the day to ourselves, and although we missed the beach, I just wasn’t ready to brave that yet, especially since I have not supposed to swim yet still.

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Tummy Time & Popsicle Cheers

So last night, something was wrong with my website and it would let me upload any new photos, or write a new post. So I’ll quickly start with Wednesday’s post first, and then start up a second post tonight for today. (I just don’t like combining multiple days into one post, when I can help it…)

Look at these sweet sisters, holding hands together first thing in the morning!

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Addison’s Birth Story

Today is May 24, 2021, which was my actual due date! So on this day, I wanted to share Addison’s birth story.

Addison Laurel Pullen was born at 1:29pm, on May 5, 2021. In contrast to Emerson’s drama-filled arrival, Addison’s was so smooth, quick and easy! (If you’d like to read Emerson’s long-winded, three-part birth story, click here, here and here.) Also, the beginning of Addison’s birth story is in a post when we first announced I was pregnant, and then I blogged throughout my entire pregnancy, so this post is really just from the day of her birth and the couple of days after that…

So, since I had a previous C-section with Emerson (and had a uterine fibroid removed at that time) and the fact that I had gestational diabetes, my doctor scheduled my C-section for 37 weeks pregnant, to avoid some of the higher risks towards the end of pregnancy. So for a couple of months ahead of time, we knew the exact date and approximate time that Addison would arrive.

The morning of my scheduled surgery, I took Emerson to school, returned home to shower, and then Jeff and I packed up and drove to the hospital! I wasn’t allowed to eat past midnight the night before, which really stunk because I was starving, as I didn’t even report until 10am, and surgery was scheduled for 12:30pm. I really wished I would have been the first of the day at 7:30, but oh well…

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