I’m Feeling 2022

We had a good first day start out our new year of 2022! Emmie and I had toast & eggs / egg-in-the-hole again, and let Jeff sleep in late since he didn’t feel good. (The boys always sleep in past breakfast, and we don’t even bother with them until muuuuuch later.) But our girls breakfast was nice and yummy!

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Swingin’ Cowgirl

Growing Room was closed today, so I took the day off work to be with my girls all day. I hadn’t had my favorite egg-in-the-hole breakfast in quite a while, and it was callin’ my name this morning. Emmie said she wanted eggs & toast, but not my kind of eggs & toast. So she had toast with a side of scrambled eggs.

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Christmas Eve 2021

This morning, Uncle Keith & Aunt Suzanne hosted our whole family for a Christmas Eve breakfast. It was all super delicious, and we all had a great time together! Grammy & Papa got all five girls these Buccee’s Christmas shirts on their trip last weekend, and we planned for them to wear them together today.

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White Elephant & Purse Cookies

We had a rough bedtime last night, so I didn’t get to blog, so I’m writing one big giant post tonight to cover both days, with loads of photos.


All five girls were back together again for school drop-off, and happy to see each other on a cold morning!

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A Day Full of Festivities

Today has been a full, busy day, and at just after 9pm, I’m already dead tired. We participated in all the festivities today! Keeping this short & sweet, with TONS of photos… We went back to Generations Church (Megan & Bo’s church) again this morning at their invitation, to partake in all the special Christmas activities.

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