Crock-Pot Chicken Burrito Bowls

Today on my lunch break, I ran home super fast to throw some good stuff in the Crock-Pot. Then tonight for dinner, we had the most delicious meal! I didn’t make up this recipe myself, but I do make it all the time, and we love it around here. It’s the easiest thing ever, and comes out perfect every single time. I’ve made this for guests, and everyone is always impressed. I’ve also shared the recipe with co-workers, and then they’ve raved about how much they liked it too. In case you’re interested, here’s what you need to know…


  • Frozen chicken breasts (I usually use 4)
  • Splash of olive oil
  • Splash of red wine vinegar
  • 1 package dry ranch seasoning mix
  • 1 package chili seasoning

Throw chicken in pot, top with the liquids, then top with the seasonings. Turn on low for 6 hours, or high for 4. Shred with forks, put back in liquid, leave on warm for 10 minutes. Eat & enjoy!

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Chaotic Monday Morning

Well today started out in pure chaos! Wcome to Monday with five people in the house, right?! Emmie woke up super early again, around 4:45, but luckily she soothed herself back to sleep after a bit. Fast forward to roughly 7am while the boys are getting ready for summer camp, and Gabe realizes he left his tennis shoes in his mom’s car, in South Carolina. And that caused a major meltdown, and a minor fight between the two boys, and some yelling from Daddy.(Just being honest here, folks!)

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Sweet Sunday & an Exciting Encounter

Today was a great Sunday, y’all! The morning started off with an early morning wake-up from our baby girl around 5:30am. Normally, she sleeps until we wake her up around 7am, so I’m not sure why she woke up so early. I finally got her to take a nap with me in the recliner for an hour, and I loved these snuggles, since they’re so super rare at her current very busy stage.

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Saturday Sloppy Joe’s

This morning was our women’s breakfast event at church, and it went really well! The breakfast foods we’re yummy, the coffee was piping hot and I got to spend time with my mama, grandmother and aunt. We also heard a great testimony from my church friend Megan (not my sister). For my solo, I sang “Choose To Love” by Francesca Battistelli, and it went well! The track was super quiet though so I missed my cue, and I had to ask them to restart it, twice… But the third time was the charm, and then it went great!

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Going Green & Guthrie’s with Nana

OK first of all, I love using illiterations. I could talk more about that, but I’ll save that for another day… I know you must all be waiting for that with bated breath, right??

Anyways, this week, it’s Go Green week at daycare, and today all the babes were supposed to wear green from head to toe. Luckily, both of these cute pieces were in the bag of stuff from last night, so I paired them together for a fun, green outfit, and I love it! The pants are just adorable! This was my cute girl at school drop-off this morning…

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Church Life

You probably remember (because it was just last week), my parents went out of town to Dallas, TX, for the annual Southern Baptist Convention. They went with our pastor and his wife, my aunt & uncle, and two other families from our church. Tonight, we didn’t have choir, so that we could all attend the report meeting to hear about the convention from Pastor Ronny.

Here’s a few quick stats: almost 10,000 “Messengers” attended from around the county, which was the most since the 2010 convention. (“Messengers” are voting members of the Southern Baptist churches. “Guests” can also attend, but not vote.) Bradfordville sent 10 messengers and three guests. We commissioned 79 new international missionaries. Which is a great thing, because there are 2.8 billion people in the world with little to know knowledge of the gospel.

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