Flooding Rain

Today was one of those rare days that Jeff & I drove separately, because he had some side IT work to do for a friend. So after work I was by myself, driving to pickup Emerson from daycare, and the bottom dropped out of the sky & it started flooding rain! I’m talking cats & dogs people. Luckily I was able to get one of the covered pickup spots at school, & quickly ran in to grab the baby girl. Our usual route home is a quick 4 miles on the interstate, then just a few more minutes of weaving through town. But I have serious anxiety about interstate driving in the rain. In fact, I avoid it whenever possible, especially these days with my very precious cargo. So instead, I called my mama (who lives close to daycare) and invited myself on over to their house. She didn’t mind of course!

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Emerson’s First Tooth!

Emerson finally has her first tooth! It took her 10 months, but the first one finally cut through. It actually popped out overnight last Sunday night. On Mother’s Day, she had zero teeth. Then the next morning, that bad boy was white & shining us in the face! So even though it happened over a week ago, I wasn’t able to get a good photo (or any photo at all really) until today finally. Check out that little tooth, and these silly faces she’s making!

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Zoe’s With Grammy

Tonight, Jeff had a deacons meeting at church (and my dad is out of town for work), so Emerson and I had girls night dinner from Zoe’s at Grammy’s house. Grammy got to pick her up from school, and see her new classroom and meet her new teachers. I ordered dinner from Zoe’s online, and ran in to pick it up after work. We hung out and ate dinner together, and that was definitely the best part of the day!

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Rainy Sunday Afternoon

Praise the Lord for rainy Sunday afternoons. But especially for naps on a rainy Sunday afternoon! It was a busy weekend, so I cuddled up under a soft blanket, and just let myself slip into sleep (right in the middle of watching “Big Fish”) when the rain started late this afternoon. And it was so lovely. Emerson woke up a few minutes before I did, but Daddy took care of her, so I could slowly wake up.

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A Flamingle & A Wedding

This morning started out with a women’s ministry event at my sister’s church. (Actually, before that, sweet Emerson fell asleep with Daddy while watching Moana while I was getting ready. So sweet!) The theme for this one was “Let’s Flamingle” and they had all sorts of cute tropical-ish decor. They do 3 of these events are year, and usually me, my mama, Grandmommie and Aunt all go. Today it was just me & Aunt Suzanne, as mom & “gmom” had other obligations. But Megan’s church always hosts great, spirit-filled events, and I’m glad I was able to go this morning.

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Lunch with Mama

As I’ve mentioned before, Jeff and I typically carpool to work almost every day. Today though, Pretzel had his annual vet check-up, so we drove separate so Jeff could drop him off early this morning. So that means I had my own car for the day, and could go out on a lunch date! So last night I texted my mama & sister to see if they were free for lunch. Unfortunately Megan wasn’t, but Mama was, and so we had a lunch date today!

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Church Choir

I’ve been a part of our church choir for the past three years or so. We rehearse every Wednesday night, and sing every Sunday morning. I’m also a part of our praise team, which means I sing my Alto part at the front of the stage with a microphone, the third Sunday of every month. AndI love it! I love learning new songs and new parts and new harmonies. The harmonies are my favorite actually. …

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