Well y’all. We’re finally here… Today is my baby girls’ first birthday! Our beautiful baby Emerson Secille is ONE today!!! I already posted this info on Facebook, but I want to document it here too…
She is 16lbs 13oz, wearing size 6-month clothes, and size 2 diapers. We have officially switched to regular whole milk, & she’s doing great with it. She has 5 teeth, and loves trying all of our food, she just doesn’t eat very much of it!
She will walk holding our hands, but only take a step and a half on her own. She sleeps all through the night (7:30pm-7am), but resists naps whenever possible. She LOVES dogs, and wants to hug all of them. She is also obsessed with her big brothers, and thinks they’re hilarious.
She is still our sweet, tiny, precious girl, and the absolute light of our lives! She is a blessing from the Lord and I thank God for her every single day!

Emerson is ONE!Read More »