Another Family Night at Home

Emmie is still just taking her time with the whole walking thing. She will stand more on her own, but only when she wants to. At drop-off this morning, I tried to get her to walk to me (and I really thought she was about to), but of course she just plopped back to her butt. Then she turned around & stood up, and I thought she was gonna walk to Ms. Heather reading her a book (to distract from my departure), but then she didn’t do that either…

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Hot House with Busted A/C

Spoiler alert – as I’m writing this at 10:30pm, it’s no longer busted. But when we first woke up this morning, it was 80° in the house, and the vents we’re blowing out warm air. It felt terrible, even though it was only 7am. Long story short – my uncle gave me a contact for a guy who repaired his a/c recently, and he came a few hours later & had it fixed in about 10 minutes flat. And it’ll only cost a couple hundred dollars, which I’m totally ok with since ya know, it’s July in Florida. So if you need an air guy, lemme know, because now I have an air guy. #homeowners

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Emerson’s 1st Birthday Party!

Tonight, we celebrated our precious baby girl, with her very own Moana-themed birthday party! She still wasn’t feeling too great from yesterday’s shots, but we all made the most of it. There were 19 people here, which is the most we’ve ever had in our house, and the most people I’ve ever prepared a meal for. But it went great, and we’ve even got leftovers! We had BBQ pulled pork sliders on King’s Hawaiian rolls, Hawaiian pasta salad, potato salad, crab dip & crackers, a green salad with homemade vineagrette dressing, fruit skewers, Tidal Wave punch, plus Goldfish & Veggie Straws, since those are Emmie’s fave snacks. And of course cake & ice cream!

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Party Prep

I’m just taking a quick break from working, so I’ll be brief with my updates today, so I can get back to it!

I picked up Emerson early from school today, because the punkin had her 12-month doctors appointment today! She’s 8th percentile for both height & weight, and her doctor (who is also one of our best friends, Abby. Hi, Abby!), is pleased with her growth & progress. She’s also ahead of the curve as far as her skills & development, so go Emmie! We did have to get four shots today though, so that was super sad and traumatic. Poor sweet baby.

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Chick-fil-A & Church

At lunch today, I ran to the Dollar Tree near the office, in search of that one missing tablecloth we need for the party. But they didn’t have it. So tomorrow I might have to visit a few different stores & hopefully I can find one before Friday! And since I finished an audio book (The Hazel Wood, I gave it 3 stars) this morning before work, while I was out running around at lunch I started a new audio book (Dear Daughter). So far, so good.

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Dinner & Costco Date

Tonight, Emerson and I had a dinner date night, followed by a Costco trip, with my parents! We had subs & Baked Lays at Jersey Mike’s (Emmie tried a little bit of everything, and ate like a champ), then we all ran to Costco to buy the world’s largest pork loin for Emmie’s birthday party. Jeff and I don’t have a membership, so my parents were nice enough to not only take me tonight, but they also bought the meat as a contribution to the party as well!

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Emerson is ONE!

Well y’all. We’re finally here… Today is my baby girls’ first birthday! Our beautiful baby Emerson Secille is ONE today!!! I already posted this info on Facebook, but I want to document it here too…

She is 16lbs 13oz, wearing size 6-month clothes, and size 2 diapers. We have officially switched to regular whole milk, & she’s doing great with it. She has 5 teeth, and loves trying all of our food, she just doesn’t eat very much of it!

She will walk holding our hands, but only take a step and a half on her own. She sleeps all through the night (7:30pm-7am), but resists naps whenever possible. She LOVES dogs, and wants to hug all of them. She is also obsessed with her big brothers, and thinks they’re hilarious.

She is still our sweet, tiny, precious girl, and the absolute light of our lives! She is a blessing from the Lord and I thank God for her every single day!

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