So let’s start with a quick recap of last night… Jeff ended up doing some late night work, so I stayed up late watching Survivor. For some reason, I didn’t get tired, and I didn’t go to bed until 12:15am! And then Emerson woke up at 12:30… And then we realized the was super loud music in the neighborhood, so I was calling the TPD non-emergency line at 1am filing a noise complaint… And then Addison was awake by 1:10am… And so then all four of us were hanging out in the living room until about 1:30am, when we finally got both girls back to sleep. So that was a strange night!
But this morning, I was able to get up and make pancakes for all of us for breakfast. We had no eggs or bacon or sausage, but we had plenty of PB&J pancakes!

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