Saturday Soup & Salsa

After my late night getting home from the movie last night (I wasn’t home until after 10pm), it took me a long time to unwind and get ready for bed. So I didn’t go to sleep until 12:15am, and then Addison woke up needing a bottle at 12:45, so I fed her, and held her for a while, and finally went back to bed around 2am. Then Emerson woke up around 4:30 after a bad dream, so I had to take her back to bed and get her to sleep. Jeff had gone to sleep early at 9:45pm last night, so he was ready to wake up early with the girls this morning. Which was great for me, because he let me sleep in a little bit this morning, and took the girls to get donuts for breakfast. So when I got up, there was a box of donuts waiting for me!

Saturday Soup & Salsa