Second Breakfast

As usual, Emerson was up before the sun today. Actually, she came into our bed around 11:40pm last night, just crying and upset and not feeling good. Then she woke up around 4:30, same thing again, but we got her back to sleep for a little longer, before she finally got up a little before 6am. She started out the day with a bowl of cereal for her first breakfast…

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Hospitalized, Again

So after Jeff’s late-night visit to the ER last night with the worsening staph infection under his arm, he ended up getting admitted to the hospital. The doctor just thought he needed the stronger IV antibiotics (as opposed to the oral pills), and better wound care, so they ended up admitting him to the hospital late last night, to stay for a few days. And not that this would be a good thing to happen ever, but this is also just terrible timing all around… So please keep those prayers for us coming!

Soooo yeah… I was home alone with all four kids last night! So, Grammy & Grandmommie came to pick up Emerson and take her to school for me today, after I got her dressed and ready this morning, so that I could stay home with Baby Sister.

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Staph Infection

Today has been crazy, and Addie is due for her next bottle any minute now, so I’m gonna try to write this post as quickly as possible…

Dr. Pullen helped change Addison’s diaper first thing this morning, and she has lately realized she likes watching “my cooking show” with me (Pioneer Woman), so she specifically requested that this morning.

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