Be Your Zest Self

Baby Addie girl did so well in her bed last night! Look how happy she was this morning! We put her in her crib around 9:30 last night, she woke up at 11:30 and Jeff fed her a bottle, and got her laid back down around 12:30. She was fussing around 4am, so I went in and flipped her from her tummy to her back, and she settled right back down. Then she stayed asleep until 7:15, when Emmie and I went in to wake her up!

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Bada Breakfast with Friends

We had a big, fun, adventurous day, and it’s late and I’m tired, and I still need to repaint my toenails tonight before bedtime! This morning, we met up with friends for breakfast at The Bada Bean. We hadn’t seen Louis and Ashlee since before Addison was born, so it was great to hang out with them. This was also my first time eating here, and it was so good!

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Subs & FroYo

Welp, Little Miss Addison seems to have officially started her 4-month sleep regression. She’s woken up in the middle of the night around 1am for a bottle for a few nights in a row now. She has also started trying to roll over in her sleep, and constantly busts out of her swaddles. So, looks like time to stop the swaddles! This was this morning after I completely un-velcro’ed her swaddle, when she was getting fussy, then she rolled over like this and went back to sleep for a while, until we got her up to get ready for school.

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Roasted Peanuts

I’m ridiculously tired tonight (Addie has been going through a slight sleep regression the last few days, or maybe just a growth spurt – she’s been waking up around 1am for a bottle, when she used to sleep through the entire night), and it’s already a little later than usual, so here goes a quick recap…

Super easy drop-off at school this morning, even after a slightly late & chaotic start at home.

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Jacksonville & St. Augustine

It is now late-ish Monday night, after a very full, very great weekend away with my little family. We packed in as much fun as we could in just 2.5 days, and we’ve got the exhaustion to prove it! I also have about 60 photos for this one blog post, so prepare yourselves!


After feeding Addie her first bottle of the day, we finished packing up our bags and the car, and got on the road sometime around 8:45ish.

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Open-Heart Surgery 1 Year Anniversary

This time last year, I was literally living through the hardest day of my life – Emerson’s open-heart surgery. It was an emotional roller-coaster of a day, to put it mildly. In fact, even just re-reading last years’ blog post from that day physically hurt my heart and made me sob all over again. That experience was gut-wrenching in the worst possible way, and something that still blows my mind sometimes:

my daughter had open-heart surgery when she was just three years old.

It’s not something that’s easy to grasp, even having lived through it. And somehow, it’s still not easy to grasp even after re-living it, through reading my old blog post, and looking back now that it’s been one full year since the surgery.

The good news though, is that we can now rejoice in the successful surgery and the healing of her heart!!! She may always have a “zipper scar” down the center of her tiny chest (it’s barely even noticeable in these photos, but certainly there in real life), and she may always have a cardiologist monitoring her heart through EKG’s and echocardiograms for the rest of her life. But she no longer has two holes in her heart, and she no longer has a dysfunctional valve, and the left side of her heart is no longer enlarged.

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Pumpkin Spice Season

Jeff had another night out with his work friends after the conference tonight. It’s kinda late now (almost 9:30pm) and I’m just now getting to write tonight’s post. The girls and I had a good night together again, but everything was just a little bit later than usual, pushing everything back and back and back, so I’m just later than normal…

We had a good, fast drop-off at school this morning… Emmie wore some new shoes she got for her birthday, that finally fit now, I’d she’s wearing socks. Super cute though!

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