Kettle Corn

We had a GREAT night last night. Addison fell asleep around 7:30, Emerson was down by 8:30, and then I went to bed around 11pm. Then when our morning alarms went off this morning, Jeff asked me, “Did you feed Addison in the middle of the night?” I said, “No, did you?” We thought we had just slept through the other one doing a feeding, but baby girl had slept through the whole night and we were both very pleasantly surprised! And then we had a good morning and an easy drop-off, just like always!

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Fall Family Fest at the Farm

Y’all today has been a LONG, full, great day, and I have almost 40 photos, so let’s jump to it. Jeff brought the girls in to praise team rehearsal this morning to see us sing, and my friend Jennifer invited Emmie up up on the stage with us, and took all the photos, and I just loved it 🙂

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Street Food, Playground, Fiesta, & Sloths

So the plan today was to meet up with my parents at the Greek festival and eat lunch there. We got there at 10:30 and started looking around. We tried to get some Greek pastries and Greek coffee, but they were out. So we thought we’d skip that and eat an early lunch, but they were already out of so many things and the lines for the gyros would have taken at least 30 minutes, and it was super hot. So we decided to just head out, and go to Sahara for lunch instead, but they didn’t open until 1pm! So the whole Greek festival and Greek lunch were both a giant failure.

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Super Sleepy

(This is the post for Thursday, 10/14/21.)

Last night I was just super sleepy and way too tired to do any of my usual chores (like dishes, bottles) and that included blogging too. So I’m writing this super quick on my morning break at work on Friday…

Emmie wore her leotard under her dress yesterday (her idea, obvs), so she’d be ready to go for ballet class later in the morning.

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