Skyliner at the Springs – Disney Day 1

I’m going to break up the 3-day Disney weekend into 3 separate posts, because it’s just too much to squeeze into one post! We took about 400-ish photos between Mama and I, and I got it whittled down to about 125 for Facebook & these blog posts, so that’s still pretty good, I’d say ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Also, if we can work it out, Jeff might write another separate “guest post” about his weekend at home with Addison.)

Anyways, on Friday morning, I actually dropped off both girls at school, because Emerson still wanted to go to her Junior Gym class before hitting the road to Orlando.

Skyliner at the Springs – Disney Day 1 Read More ยป

School Choice Acceptance

(Last night, my website was down, and I had a long phone call with with my sister, and then long chat with Jeff, and by the time he got my website back up & running, it was too late for me to blog. So this is the belated post for Wednesday, 3/23/2022.)

The girls sit next to each other every morning watching a YouTube kids video while I pack my breakfast & lunch, but this was especially sweet with Emmie laying in Addie’s lap yesterday, and Addie patting her on the head.

School Choice Acceptance

Chocolate Donuts

This morning it was just me and Addie again without Emmie, since she had to stay home one more day from that random fever Wednesday night. (She literally never had any other issues other than the one afternoon/evening of fever, so we have no idea what that was about…) But the school was eerily quiet with so many people out for spring break, but Addie still stole toys from her little friend.

Chocolate Donuts

Addie’s First Slice of Pizza

Well, with the time change last night, and an accidental late night tonight, it’s almost 10pm, and I’m just now starting to write. So I’m just gonna make this as quick and easy as possible, so I can head off to read a little, and then sleep soon after… I was in Emerson’s class for Sunday school this morning, and we had a good little class today.

Addie’s First Slice of Pizza

Addison’s First Driving Lesson

Well, we had a bit of a rough start to our day…. I accidentally locked the girls in the car at daycare! I talked to Emerson through the window, and talked her through helping. She started to cry and panic (and although I was panicking inside, I stayed calm for her), because her fingers just weren’t strong enough to unbuckle herself, and she was struggling with the door lock too…

Addison’s First Driving Lesson

Triplets’ Birthday Fiesta

This morning in kids’ Sunday School, they learned about the Tabernacle, and then built one out of wooden building blocks, and their teacher sent us these photos!

After church, we had lunch at Zaxby’s, and because of one reason or another, it ended up being a small group of us, just me and the girls, plus Grammy & Grandmommie.

Daddy holding a sleepy baby who woke up early from her afternoon nap…

Got these dresses as part of the triplets’ birthday presents, because they turn 3 years old in just two days!

And then we had a big family and friends dinner at La Fiesta to celebrate the triplets’ birthday!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it here yet, but at the end of the month, Emerson gets to go on a trip with Grammy and Papa to Disney World! (And I’m tagging along for the trip, because when Mama asked if they could take her, I cried at the thought of not going for her first trip to Magic Kingdom.) But Grammy ordered her some Disney outfits from Amazon special for the trip, and they all came in today. She was so excited about them! After the pic, I started to fold them up and put them away, but she wanted me to leave it there, so she could just sit in the midst of everything while we watched Lady & The Tramp!

We read our “Pretzel” book for bedtime tonight. It’s a book about a dachshund named Pretzel, written by the Curious George author; which is perfect, since we have a dachshund named Pretzel! We didn’t know this book existed when we picked Pretzel’s name, but I found this book about a year ago, and just had to get it for us!

Addie was having fun playing on the couch, flopping around getting more and more tired, before we fed her a bottle and got her to sleep too.

We’ve got a few things we have to take care of to get ready for the week, and I want to re-paint my fingernails if I have time to take care of that too…


Triplets’ Birthday Fiesta

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