Girls Night Dinner

We had a very rough night last night. Emerson woke up around 3am from a nightmare, and I got her back to sleep, but then by 3:30 she woke up saying her stomach hurt really bad. Then between 3:30 and 5:30 she ended up throwing up four times! Really only the first one was “real” throw up, and then the other three were kind of just thick bile, from an empty stomach. Poor little girl was miserable and pitiful though, so we all had a rough night (except luckily Addison slept through it all), and it feels like I’ve pretty much been awake since 3am.

So she stayed home with Daddy today, obviously. She felt fine by the time I left for work, and was even acting like her normal sweet, silly little self, so hopefully whatever random thing this was has already come & gone. Neither Jeff nor I ever felt bad, so we don’t think it was last night’s dinner. And I asked her teacher this morning, and she said they haven’t even had any bugs going around the class this week, so we really have no idea what this was.

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Fruit Pizza

Since Emmie had no fever, and her eyes looked normal this morning, we skipped the doctor’s office and went straight to school today. I think she’s just having some allergy problems with all the rainy weather and pollen from last weekend, but she seemed fine this morning. However, we were 30 minutes late to school today, so that meant the triplets were already at school, so we stopped by their rooms for some quick hugs.

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Four-Part Harmonies

Emerson and I stayed home form church this morning, when she woke up with both crusty & goopy eyes, and she was really congested. She also woke up in the middle of the night having a mini freak-out, and saying her throat hurt. She didn’t have fever, but she didn’t look great, so we decided to be on the safe side. After getting Jeff and Addie ready for church and out the door, I made breakfast for Emerson and myself.

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Addison’s First Surgical Procedure

After a very busy weekend, we had a very early start today. We dropped off Emerson earlier than we ever have before, just a few minutes before 7am. I was worried she would be upset with our normal routine thrown off and without Addison, but she was perfectly fine!

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Ducking Jeeps – Disney Day 3

After the longest, busiest day of her life, with no nap, and the latest she’s ever gone to bed, she finally slept in the latest ever too, until 8:30am. So by the time we all got up and moving, we had pretty much missed breakfast. Papa took her down to get a bowl of cereal to bring back to the room while we finished getting dressed and packed up.

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