Surgery Reminiscing

Mommy remembered to lay out five outfits for the coming week, complete with cute shoes & matching hair accessories. So we’re back to normal, even if the hair is a little messy from the car ride 🙂


After just one photo (above), she literally hopped at me, which is why this second one is blurry. She’s actually been really hoppy lately, and loves hopping all over the place.




Look at her go with this giant muffin bite!


I started a new audio book this morning. This is one I randomly found on the Libby app the other day, as an “available” book so I grabbed it while there were no holds on it, but didn’t start it until today. However yesterday I saw that Reese Witherspoon chose it as her February book club pick, so now it’s going crazy super popular! (My copy doesn’t even have that Reese’s book club stamp on it yet.) There were zero holds on it when I “checked it out,” but now, there are 11 people with holds behind me. Feeling very “on trend” and proud of myself for beating even Reese to the book 😉 For real though, I almost always read Reese’s book club picks, so now I have very high hopes for this one too.


My mama was sweet enough to make me a plate of some of the snacks they had for the super bowl last night, and brought it to me at school drop-off this morning. So I got to eat yummy snacks for my lunch today.


And then I went to my car to practice singing some songs. My friend from church who I sang with in our Christmas ensemble asked me to sing with him for a revival he’s leading at another Baptist church this Wednesday, so I had some pre-rehearsal to do. I’m singing alto harmonies on most songs, but he asked me to sing lead on one of the songs (Christ is Mine Forevermore). I had never heard it before though, so I had lots to learn, but now I absolutely love it!


After picking up Emerson from school, we went home and while I cooked dinner, Daddy and Emmie got the mail, fed Pretzel, and took out the trash. I made pancakes, scrambled eggs & sausage, so we had breakfast for dinner tonight.



Emerson was being sooo silly tonight at dinner, and making us both laugh at her so much, especially with that chocolate milk mustache! She also ate a TON of food. I even had to go scramble her one more egg, after she ate everything on her plate and asked for more eggs!




This is her “winking” face. And I love it so very much! It’s the best.




After dinner, we went and got her jammies on, and did all the lotions and creams and such that’s part of our regular routine. I put a little lotion on the side of her neck, and she asked me why, so I explained to her that she has a small scar from where she had surgery, and then she wanted to know all about it. So we sat down on the couch together, and I showed her pictures of what it used to look like, and then what it looked like after the surgery, and then I took a new picture to show her what it looked like right that second. She was very interested, and sat so sweetly listening to me talk and seemed to really just take it all in. (Click here for the blog post describing all about it, and then click here for surgery day.)



Like two weeks ago, I ordered this new pair of Adidas tennis shoes, when they were on super sale. They are usually $70, but they were on sale for $35, with free shipping and free returns, so I figured I’d try them out. And they’re super comfy! I wore them around the house with my penguin pj’s for a while, but I think I’m really gonna like these ones. Actually, I just checked and they’re still only $35!




Emmie requested a snack with her monkey book, so she munched on these while I read this teeny tiny book.


And then she wanted to climb in her bed to get her panda bear out, so Daddy helped her climb in, and then climb back out. We stressed very hard that she is only allowed to do that with Daddy’s help though…




She tried some of her usual stall tactics, but I was able to nip it in the bud before she got too out of control. Afterwards, I spent some time listening to my new audio book and washing dishes. Then Jeff made me some tea while I wrote this blog, and now it’s time to settle down and start a movie.

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Fresh Air

When you wake up early at 6:30am, you get to lay in Mommy & Daddy’s bed watching videos & eating gummies. So I guess, why would she not want to wake up early? Haha. Also, if you haven’t tried putting a soft blanket under your sheets on cold nights, you’re seriously missing out. It’s the warmest, coziest thing, and it’s my favorite. (I use a small-ish one, because my hot-natured hubby doesn’t need any extra warmth.)


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Double Disappointment

This little girl was very happy to be wearing her new Crocs to school today. These are the first ones she picked out to try on when we were at Beall’s Outlet the other night, and coincidentally they were the right size, and they looked stinking adorable on her, and they were only like, $12.99! I’ve never actually been a huge fan of Crocs, but how could I resist when they look this cute on her?!


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Casserole & Chili

Emerson actually slept a little bit later today, so we all got to sleep in until a few minutes after 7am! One hour later doesn’t seem like much, but it really helps when it’s that early in the morning, and you’re the always-tired-parent of a spunky toddler! So I got up and cuddled my girl, then put the breakfast casserole in the oven, showered myself, and then Jeff bathed Emmie before getting a shower himself.


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Space Station

Emerson was still a little whiny & sensitive this morning, and only wanted Mommy to get her dressed for school, even though I was still getting dressed for work myself. I was also running late on my own, so with all that, I ended up being 30 minutes late to work. But we did finally make it out of the house, and she was fine, and drop-off went smooth-ish 😉


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Painting Project

Anybody want to guess what time my girl woke up on this holiday off work? Approximately 6:30am. Phew… this girl kills me. She was cute and sweet for part of that, but she was also grumpy and whiny for a lot of it. And that was how she was allll day. It was actually kind of a rough day, between all the hissy fits and toddler tantrums and almost-constant whining. I know you other toddler mama’s have had days like this too, so you know exactly what I’m talking about.

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