Rainy Day of Rest & Relaxation

Jeff got up early with Emmie and let me sleep a bit longer, and then when I woke up I was surprised to find I had lost my voice! That hadn’t happened in years, and my throat wasn’t that bad and I was barely coughing, so that was certainly surprising. It actually came back during the day, but I still sound weird tonight.

While Jeff showered for church, I got my little girl dressed in her pretty Christmas dress, and she did the advent calendar and found Sheppy.

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Christmas Concert

Emerson requested a McGriddle for breakfast, and since I had some food, but not enough to make a full breakfast meal, we gladly agreed and headed to McDonald’s for breakfast. The plan was to also go to Trader Joe’s afterwards, but we got a late start, and it was 10am by the time we got there, with a line all the way to TJ Maxx, so we skipped it and just went back home.

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Solo Lunch Date

Today was Christmas Jammies day at school, and as usual (no one’s surprised), all four girls were super adorable in their fun little jammies! Riley had been playing with a water bottle in the car and somehow got it open, and spilled it all down her front. They were gonna throw it in the dryer for her at school, so she wouldn’t have to be wet and cold all morning. Silly goose!

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Butterflies & Burritos

Since Emerson was off on her Christmas road trip adventure with Grammy and Papa, that meant I got to sleep a little later than usual, and then go straight to work instead of school first. I had some CFA points racked up in my app, so I stopped to order myself breakfast on the way, and got my burrito & hash browns for free! (I was stuffed after the burrito though, so I gave away my hash browns to a friend.)

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Impromptu Geography Lesson

(This post is for Wednesday, 12/09/20. I went to bed last night at 8:30, and was just too tired to blog first!)

We got to school at the same time as the Walker’s again, and Emmie loved helping get the girls out of the van and into their jackets, before heading into the building. All of them are adorable, but I forgot to get a solo picture of my own kid that morning! Oops…

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Lounging in the Laundry

Yesterday, Emmie left Sheppy in the car, so Jeff went out late to get him. After he brought him inside, I said, “Where is he so I can hide him.” He pointed to the basket of clean towels he had brought in from the dryer, so I leaned down to pick him up. He was like, “No, leave him there, that’s where I want him. See his little legs are crossed?” So, we left him in the towels!

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