Triplets Turn Two

It’s kinda late, and we had a big day, and we have TONS of photos, so I’m mostly just gonna do a photo dump tonight, with little writing… We started with an early morning grocery pick-up, followed by egg sandwiches (on buns for Jeff & Emmie; but a low-carb wheat wrap for me) at home for breakfast. And Emmie ate her entire sammich.

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Counting Carbohydrates

Of course for the last day of dinosaur week, we had one last dinosaur outfit to wear! This dress from last summer is just a bit to short too, but even the shorts underneath it were a bit too short to see those, so we tried to tuck it in or something, but it didn’t quite work out… But hey, she was still adorable, especially with this little pony she asked for!

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Smoothie & Spaghetti Squash

We had a great day at church today. Jeff even got out of the house this morning, and taught our Sunday school class, mere days after his spinal surgery, and I was very proud of him. This little nugget was a bit emotional, but she settled in and had a good morning, and got these beads from her class!

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Housework and BBQ

We did another super early grocery pick-up this morning, and then came home and made breakfast after getting most things (at least the cold things) put away. I had some leftover ground sausage from the frittata last week, so I used that to make sausage, egg & cheese tortilla wraps, and they turned out delish. (Even if I got Jeff’s a little too dark; but luckily he actually likes it that way.)

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Buffalo Wings

We had our usual early morning wake up call by our cute toddler, and then we had an early morning Walmart grocery pick-up, during the 7-8am “at-risk” hour. (I accidentally drove to the wrong Walmart first, but eventually made it to the right one…) Then when we got home and put everything away, I made scrambled egg sandwiches for breakfast, and used this nice whole grain and nut bread for mine, which was super yummy. (Also, I now use sugar-free coffee creamer, and we’ve always used Splenda, so we’re still good to go on the coffee side of the low-sugar situation…)

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Happy Friday, friends! It’s been a heck of a week (work-wise it was crazy, and I was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes this week), but we made it, and now we get some time to rest! And we were happy to see our baby girls again this morning! We thought we planned for all four girls to wear cheetah together, but Riley had other plans, and demanded rainbow dresses for her and her sisters!

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The Fruits of our Labor

This girl was ready for church today! She even made her own Valentine’s cards for her friends, and packed them in her purse with some dum-dum’s. Have you ever seen a more adorable child than this one right here?!?! With the sweater dress with flutter sleeves, tights, cute shoes, mommy’s purse and her own Bible?! Ugghhh I die at the cuteness!!

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