Firetruck Roundup & Date Night

We’ve had such a very fun, very busy day today! It’s almost 10pm and I’m just now starting this post, so I’m going to do one of my typical photo dumps without a bunch of writing, and just let the photos do all the talking. This morning, we met Megan and the triplets, and their old nanny and friend Kayla, and went to the firetruck roundup at Tom Brown Park!

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Pink Pajamas

Today was the final day of “GO PINK” week at school, and it was also pajama day. Emerson picked out her whole outfit all by herself too. I tired to tell her she could just wear bikers under her nightgown, but she insisted it had to be PJ shorts. And then she picked out and put on her own headband. She’s a mess, but I love her! And Addison was so sweet and cuddly in her jammies too!

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From Sweatshirt to Swimming

In true Florida “fall” fashion, today started in a sweatshirt, and moved on to swimming!

To start, we went out to breakfast again for the second Saturday in a row (which is unusual for us), but this time we met up with Nana and PopPop at Canopy Road Cafe. It was chilly this morning, which I thought felt great, but Emerson insisted on dressing like it was dead in the middle of winter.

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Pilea Plants

Both of my girls woke up at least twice during the night again last night (not quite sure what’s going on with Emerson, but Addison is at least easy to give a bottle and get back to sleep), but both were still sweet and happy and ready for school this morning! Emerson’s “G” bag this week was filled with a guinea pig, green colored pencil, green turtle, and glasses.

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Sunlight & Sherbet

Soo, last night wasn’t so great – Emerson wet the bed around 4:20 (she’s only done this before a hand full of times, and it’s been so long I can’t even remember when she last did it), and then Addison woke up at 4:45, hungry and ready for a bottle. I ended up sleeping about 45 minutes late, so we were chaotic and rushed getting ready for school and work. Despite all that, both girls were sweet and happy, and we made it work!

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Changing Seasons

You can tell by the lighting in these photos, that the seasons are starting to change and the time of sunrise is changing every day. In fact, tomorrow will officially be the first day of fall! So it seemed appropriate for Emerson to wear this little fall-themed dress for school today. Grammy actually bought it when we were in Jacksonville last year for her surgery, but it was too big then. It fit perfect today though, finally!

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