Senior Pictures

Today was Emerson’s day to spend with Nana, so she met us at daycare, where both girls were excited to see her.

The Frother’s Daughter was back at my office again for one last time before they go back to FSU campus pretty much full-time. I got the New Years Toast, which is a French Toast inspired dirty chai latte with cinnamon, maple & whipped cream, and DANG it was so yummy.

Love this picture of Addison doing some art at the easel at school today.

Nana actually took Emmie, Ryan and Gabe on a little road trip up to Tifton, for some senior pictures for the boys. A family friend is a photographer, and she offered to take some pictures of the boys, since they will graduate high school in June! We obviously don’t have her real photos yet, but here are the ones Nana sent me during the day.

I couldn’t be bothered to cook again tonight (I knew I’d be over it by this point in the week), so I planned to just do sandwiches and salads with chips for dinner. It was simple, but both my salad and the sammy were so good!

After dinner, Emerson was dying for Daddy to help them build a fort. So he rigged up all sorts of blankets over Addison’s crib, so they could crawl in there and feel cozy in their little den. They took Emime’s Kindle in with them, and they did their two episodes of Bluey in the fort, rather than all together in the living room, and they were so sweet together.

Both girls are asleep in their beds now, and I’m watching Survivor again while blogging. For the last few nights, Addison has done well going to sleep in her own big girl bed, but hasn’t made it through the night yet, waking up and walking into our room at some point. So we’re still working on it, and hoping one of these days the magic will finally settle in, and she’ll make it through the night in her own bed more often than not…

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