Chicken & Rice

This morning we went to church as usual, had lunch, and then headed to Walmart for our grocery pickup order. Once at home Emerson had her last bottle of formula (we’ve been mixing formula & whole milk all weekend), and then she took a 2.5 hour nap. During that time, the boys helped me clean up the main living areas, plus their bedroom, and Jeff napped away his headache. Then I read my book for a while, and the boys played video games.

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Family Shopping Trip

We started out the morning with McDonald’s breakfast (the boys’ choice), followed by some shopping. We first went to the grand opening of the brand new 5 Below (near Old Navy, if you’re wondering), and it was actually better than I was even expecting! We all found a few things we either wanted (turquoise nail polish for me) or needed (office lamp for Jeff), plus a few other things. The boys each got a pair of $5 headphones, and we also got a $5 Bluetooth speaker for around the house, or when we’re outside in our fancy new pool. We didn’t actually purchase the baskets pictured below, but now I can’t stop thinking about them, so I’ll probably run back on my lunch break one day next week to grab a few of them.

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Mellow Mushroom

OK first of all, WOW. You guys. When I posted my breastfeeding story this morning, I truly had no idea the kind of response it would receive. I posted it at 6am, and before 10am, I had already received more views on my blog in one day than I had since I started blogging again back in January. And as of this post tonight, that number has now doubled. I didn’t post my story simply for blog views (although I am floored by the number), but I posted it because this issue needs to see the light of day. I got so many comments, texts, and private messages from other moms with similar stories, and it was just so amazing hearing from so many other women giving & receiving support. So THANK YOU. Thank you for reading it, and thank you for reaching out, and thank you for supporting.

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Breastfeeding is Hard

Well, here we are, almost at Emerson’s first birthday, and I’m just now getting around to finally writing & publishing this blog post. I’ve been meaning to, and wanting to, since about February, but just never actually did it. I figured I’d finally push myself this past week by writing little bits at a time when I could, and get it posted before she actually turns one. So here we go…

Also, this is not my “daily journal” post for today, but this topic has become important for me to talk about and share. If you’re not into this topic, come back tonight for my regular scheduled programming. I’m hoping one day it becomes less of a “shameful” thing when Mommy’s like me can’t or don’t exclusively breastfeed, so here’s my story… …

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From Grumpy to Giggling

So you know when all sorts of little things just go wrong, and it’s just annoying? That happened to me today after work. It wasn’t anything big, just a few things piled on top of each other… But since that’s not what this blog is for, I won’t list the specifics. Just know it was all small, dumb things, but I was grumpy. And so I pouted and stewed while cooking dinner, and then begrudgingly sat down to eat with the family.

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Dollar Tree Decor

First, for those wondering, I did end up going to bed early last night, around 8:30pm. I didn’t fall asleep right away, but it was still nice to at least be snuggled up all cozy in the bed.

Emerson had a good day at school today, but I know she missed seeing her Aunt Meggie a few times during the day, since they are on their way to Ireland!

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