Slow, Sleepy Sunday at Home

Sunday mornings are always extremely busy. So much so, that I usually don’t even take one photo until after church is over. I got there early for one last praise team rehearsal, then went to Sunday school, followed by worship hour. As usual, Emerson stayed awake the entire 3-ish hours. My dad had nursery duty during worship hour, and when he opened the door of her classroom, to check on the baby next door, Emerson slipped out & just took off! So he let her walk all over the place, just following along behind her. He texted me towards the end of the service, and said with all her walking, she had probably walked half a mile! And so after we got in the car, and she played with her bib for two seconds, she was out like a light!

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Saturday with Family

Jeff and his mom hit the road early this morning to take  the boys back to meet their mother. They left around 7:45, and then by 8:15, Emerson and I were up and ready to meet Grammy & Pepaw for breakfast! We went to one of my favorite local diners, Canopy Road Cafe. I couldn’t decide what to get (sweet or savory breakfast is one of the hardest choices ever), so the waitress suggested I order the regular breakfast plate, but sub toast for a fancy pancake, and that was the best idea. I got the special-of-the-month pineapple upside down pancake, and wowwee was that thing good. (Also, please don’t miss that precious little hand trying to sneak a bite of pancake in the picture below.)

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Dinner & Dessert

My little girl is just the happiest baby. She’s constantly smiling and laughing, and she’s started doing this cute little crazy thing with her tongue, and it’s hilarious. When I first put her down on the squishy mats this morning, her teacher grabbed that phone to play with her, but instead, Emerson took off her shoe, put it up to her face, and I swear she said, “Hello!?” Me and both her teachers thought that’s what it sounded like!

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Chicken, Choir, & Colorful Skies

This outfit Emerson wore today is one of my very favorites. I love the ruffles on the buns, and the ruffle on the shirt, and the color of the onesie, and the cheetahs (or leopards?) on the pants, and the color of the onesie. It’s just all so cute! The onesie is Garanimals from Walmart, and the pants are from the One Week Boutique consignment sale, and she’s just always so cute in everything she wears.

And finally for the first time this week, I didn’t have any errands to run at lunch. So I got to just close the door to my office, enjoy last night’s leftovers (even though we ran out of sour cream), and read my book (Pachinko) for 30 minutes. And it was so quiet and calm and nice.

Emerson and I once again got to meet my Aunt Suzanne, Uncle Keith, Grandmother, and Mama (papa is out of town for work) for dinner before church at Zaxby’s. Emmie had her own chicken tender kids meal, but she ended up eating more of other people’s foods. She has tried cole slaw a couple of times before, but didn’t like it either time. Then tonight, Uncle Keith gave her a bite of his, and she wanted more! He of course was convinced he had the magic touch, and that it was all because he was the one feeding her ; ) She ended up eating about half of his cole slaw before it was all said and done.

And then I gave her just the bun of one of my little Nibblerz sammies, and she went to town on that bread. She took it apart, and was eating bread out of both hands. She is just the funniest baby girl.

At the beginning of choir, our music minister usually does a short little devotion every week. Tonight, he read Psalm 46, and asked some of our members shared times when God has been a refuge and strength in troubled times. People shared times of divorce, depression, cancer, medical issues, and more. It was a good time of sharing, and such a great scripture passage to focus on. A few weeks ago actually, we sang a song titled Psalm 46, and so it was good to reflect back on that a little bit. Sometimes we just need to sit back, and be still, and know that He is GOD. As one woman said, in the midst of all the social noise and political noise and all the noise of life, we can just be still in His presence. 

After regular worship choir rehearsal from 6:10-7:30, I then went to praise team rehearsal for about 45 minutes. I honestly just love getting to sing hymns and praise and worship music for a few hours every Wednesday! I’m so glad to be a part of this ministry in our church!

And then check out this beautiful sunset when I was leaving church! I actually drove out of the parking lot and circled back around into the parking lot again, so I could take these photos! It was too beautiful to ignore. Praise the Lord for sunshine and sunsets and beautiful things after a crazy rainstorm! 

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Keyboardist’s & Burrito Bowls

These first two pictures are from yesterday, but I forgot to share them in our “first day of school post” but they were too cute not to include today. That’s Aunt Meggie she’s sitting with, by the way. She always comes in to her classroom to see her when she gets in to work in the morning, and clearly Emerson is excited to see her.

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The First Day of School

Okay, okay. I know Emerson isn’t actually in “grade school” yet like everyone else who went back to school in Leon County, but she did start her new classroom at daycare today, and that counts in my book! Plus, Growing Room operates on the same calendar as all other LCS schools, so it was a big day around GR for everyone! She was super excited to start in her new class this morning! She didn’t shed even one tear, or fuss one bit when it was time for me to leave. She was just ready to play with all the new things!

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Promotion Sunday & Pepaw’s Birthday

Today was promotion Sunday at church, so all the school-age students got moved up to the next Sunday school classroom for the year. (Well, not Emmie and her group, they promote based on skills more than age at this point.) But some lovely volunteers with the youth group (Hey Mrs. Annette, Mrs. Penny, and Mr. Tom!) made breakfast for the youth group. They set up a griddle & made pancakes and bacon right in the hallway, and they had plenty to go around, so they invited our class of young adults to grab some as well. Mr. Tom even made the bagels himself! Impressive right?

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A Summer Day at the Spring

We had an amazingly fun day today! And even though I’m tired beyond belief right now at 9pm, I’m going to push through the exhaustion, because some of these details of the day I really want to remember! So let’s go! We started the day off early with a donut run for breakfast. And then since the boys forgot to pack swimsuits this time around, we had to go run buy them some. We struck out at Ross first, but struck gold with all kinds of things at Walmart – swim suits for the boys, shoes for Emerson to grow into, clearance polo’s for Jeff, cute night gown’s for me, and a new, smaller “umbrella” stroller, which Emerson instantly loved, when we tested it out around the house.

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Teacher Planning Day

Growing Room was closed today, for a teacher planning day. So I took the day off to hang out with my baby girl, and the boys! We started out this morning with cheesy scrambled eggs, with salsa and the best seasoning. I made 3 eggs for me, and shared with Emerson, and she loved it. She also had Puffs, yogurt melts, and her daily Activia. Plus some dramatic water drinking. Oh, and my cute new “H” coffee mug!

I missed out on #nationalbookloversday yesterday, but here’s a “shelfie” from this morning to make up for it. (P.S. – this isn’t even all the books I own…) #pullenscozycorner

Baby Emerson turned 13 months old yesterday! She is wearing mostly 6-month size clothes (with some 3-6 still), and still in size 2 diapers. Last time she was weighed on 7/12, she was 16lbs 12oz, 8th percentile.

She is really getting the hang of walking now and toddles all over the place, but still crawls some too. Some new favorite foods recently are her Acitvia yogurt (gotta keep her regular!), and yellow rice.

She’s still the happiest, silliest, bestest baby girl, and I love her the mostest!

Also, I did the first 12 months of photos in a white onesie every time, with the monthly sticker on her chest. For the next year, we’ll do fun, colorful outfits every month! Gonna attempt to do monthly photos & updates like this through her 2nd birthday. But we’ll see how that goes and she gets more & more active!

Emerson, the boys and I went to meet Jeff for lunch. The plan was to eat at Blaze Pizza, but when we got there, it was packed to the gills! Every seat in the house was full, and it was entirely too hot to even attempt to eat outside. Every other restaurant in the strip (Mission BBQ, Which Wich, & Smash Burger) was also bursting. So we just ended up getting a fancy lunch at McDonald’s.

When Jeff went back to work, the boys and I went to the nearest Little Free Library over in Optimist Park, and just barely beat the flood! We dropped off five books, and came home with six. Gabe found all three books in the “Divergent” series, I picked up one of my all-time faves that I borrowed from my friend Kaley the first time I read it (“The Secret History”), plus a Dr. Suess book, and another kids book. It started sprinkling while we were browsing, and within a few minutes, we had to run back to the car when it started pouring! And Gabe couldn’t wait to read the Dr. Suess book, so he read it to Emerson on the way home, and my heart just melted.

Yesterday, Jeff installed a new, different kind of camera in Emerson’s room, and I’m liking this one so much better. For one thing, it mounts on the wall (instead of sitting on her dresser/changing table like the other one), it’s also better at “night-time vision,” and it’s got a wider angle so we can see the entire room.

After Emmie’s second nap of the day, we ran up to Growing Room for orientation for the new school year! We got to see her new classroom, and meet her new teachers. Actually, one of the assistant teachers from her last class, got moved up to be the lead teacher in her new room, so Emmie & Miss Q are both glad about that, because they love each other.

But one thing I just can’t believe – she will sleep on a tiny cot for nap time, instead of a crib! That just seems crazy to me! How is she big enough for that!? We also got a picture with her teachers from her first two classes. These ladies have taken such good care of, and loved my girl so well, these past 11 months! I never worried about her when she was in their care each day, and I’m so glad Emmie loved them too.

Then we all went over to Jeff’s parents house. We ordered Chinese food for dinner, and had a feast. I’m still stuffed, like three hours later. Emerson also toddled around and around their house for about half an hour. Their living room, kitchen, and dining room are all connected, so she did about 10 laps circling around the rooms, with us all taking turns walking around with her.

(I had asked Gabe to take a photo of Emmie and I, and he snuck a selfie while he was at it.)

Emerson and I left around 7:15 to head home for bedtime. We stopped to grab a gallon of milk on the way home, she had her bottle of hot milk and then she was out like a light! Jeff and the boys are still over there hanging out, so of course I’m watching Gilmore Girls while I blog, and relishing the quiet Friday night. Today was a great day!

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