Growing Room was closed today, for a teacher planning day. So I took the day off to hang out with my baby girl, and the boys! We started out this morning with cheesy scrambled eggs, with salsa and the best seasoning. I made 3 eggs for me, and shared with Emerson, and she loved it. She also had Puffs, yogurt melts, and her daily Activia. Plus some dramatic water drinking. Oh, and my cute new “H” coffee mug!

I missed out on #nationalbookloversday yesterday, but here’s a “shelfie” from this morning to make up for it. (P.S. – this isn’t even all the books I own…) #pullenscozycorner

Baby Emerson turned 13 months old yesterday! She is wearing mostly 6-month size clothes (with some 3-6 still), and still in size 2 diapers. Last time she was weighed on 7/12, she was 16lbs 12oz, 8th percentile.
She is really getting the hang of walking now and toddles all over the place, but still crawls some too. Some new favorite foods recently are her Acitvia yogurt (gotta keep her regular!), and yellow rice.
She’s still the happiest, silliest, bestest baby girl, and I love her the mostest!
Also, I did the first 12 months of photos in a white onesie every time, with the monthly sticker on her chest. For the next year, we’ll do fun, colorful outfits every month! Gonna attempt to do monthly photos & updates like this through her 2nd birthday. But we’ll see how that goes and she gets more & more active!

Emerson, the boys and I went to meet Jeff for lunch. The plan was to eat at Blaze Pizza, but when we got there, it was packed to the gills! Every seat in the house was full, and it was entirely too hot to even attempt to eat outside. Every other restaurant in the strip (Mission BBQ, Which Wich, & Smash Burger) was also bursting. So we just ended up getting a fancy lunch at McDonald’s.
When Jeff went back to work, the boys and I went to the nearest Little Free Library over in Optimist Park, and just barely beat the flood! We dropped off five books, and came home with six. Gabe found all three books in the “Divergent” series, I picked up one of my all-time faves that I borrowed from my friend Kaley the first time I read it (“The Secret History”), plus a Dr. Suess book, and another kids book. It started sprinkling while we were browsing, and within a few minutes, we had to run back to the car when it started pouring! And Gabe couldn’t wait to read the Dr. Suess book, so he read it to Emerson on the way home, and my heart just melted.

Yesterday, Jeff installed a new, different kind of camera in Emerson’s room, and I’m liking this one so much better. For one thing, it mounts on the wall (instead of sitting on her dresser/changing table like the other one), it’s also better at “night-time vision,” and it’s got a wider angle so we can see the entire room.

After Emmie’s second nap of the day, we ran up to Growing Room for orientation for the new school year! We got to see her new classroom, and meet her new teachers. Actually, one of the assistant teachers from her last class, got moved up to be the lead teacher in her new room, so Emmie & Miss Q are both glad about that, because they love each other.
But one thing I just can’t believe – she will sleep on a tiny cot for nap time, instead of a crib! That just seems crazy to me! How is she big enough for that!? We also got a picture with her teachers from her first two classes. These ladies have taken such good care of, and loved my girl so well, these past 11 months! I never worried about her when she was in their care each day, and I’m so glad Emmie loved them too.

Then we all went over to Jeff’s parents house. We ordered Chinese food for dinner, and had a feast. I’m still stuffed, like three hours later. Emerson also toddled around and around their house for about half an hour. Their living room, kitchen, and dining room are all connected, so she did about 10 laps circling around the rooms, with us all taking turns walking around with her.
(I had asked Gabe to take a photo of Emmie and I, and he snuck a selfie while he was at it.)

Emerson and I left around 7:15 to head home for bedtime. We stopped to grab a gallon of milk on the way home, she had her bottle of hot milk and then she was out like a light! Jeff and the boys are still over there hanging out, so of course I’m watching Gilmore Girls while I blog, and relishing the quiet Friday night. Today was a great day!