Releasing Butterflies
The sunrise the last few mornings has been so beautiful – we can see the big bright orange ball just over the trees, and of course I wished the cell phone could truly capture how pretty it is!
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Fruit Pizza
Since Emmie had no fever, and her eyes looked normal this morning, we skipped the doctor’s office and went straight to school today. I think she’s just having some allergy problems with all the rainy weather and pollen from last weekend, but she seemed fine this morning. However, we were 30 minutes late to school today, so that meant the triplets were already at school, so we stopped by their rooms for some quick hugs.
Four-Part Harmonies
Emerson and I stayed home form church this morning, when she woke up with both crusty & goopy eyes, and she was really congested. She also woke up in the middle of the night having a mini freak-out, and saying her throat hurt. She didn’t have fever, but she didn’t look great, so we decided to be on the safe side. After getting Jeff and Addie ready for church and out the door, I made breakfast for Emerson and myself.
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Jumping with Cousins
Today has been a long day, so I’m mostly just photo-dumping a TON of photos, with minimal writing, since it’s already 10pm… Addie had some breakfast while Jeff and I took turns getting ready. (Remember, Emmie was at Nana’s house with her big cousins.)
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Addison’s First Steps!
Beautiful sunrise on the way to school, which was so much nicer than yesterday’s terrible storms!
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Bagel Sandwiches
(Post for Thursday, 3/31/22.)
Yesterday was super rainy & stormy, but Aunt Meggie and the triplets were waiting on us to do drop-off together when we got to school, which is always fun!
Springtime Backyard Blooms
We were running a bit late today, but we got there just in time to sit Addison down at the breakfast table with her little friends, and got to watch her get started on her food.
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